
Genre emo pop

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Emo pop is a music genre that blends the emotional intensity and introspective lyrics of emo with the catchy hooks and polished production of pop music. Known for its heartfelt and often confessional themes, emo pop explores subjects like love, heartache, and personal struggles while maintaining a melodic, radio-friendly sound. This genre often features vibrant guitar riffs, energetic drumming, and dynamic vocal performances that convey a wide range of emotions. (AI Generated)

Most popular emo pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Emo Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 389
2025 2
2024 72
2023 137
2022 87
2021 46
2020 45
2010s 474
2019 54
2018 42
2017 48
2016 32
2015 32
2014 28
2013 57
2012 50
2011 64
2010 67
2000s 480
2009 81
2008 64
2007 65
2006 61
2005 47
2004 48
2003 34
2002 31
2001 31
2000 18
1990s 35
1999 15
1998 5
1997 8
1996 1
1995 2
1994 2
1993 1
1992 1
1980s 1
1981 1
1379 releases

emo pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular emo pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular emo pop Songs

Top New emo pop Songs of 2024

emo pop music by decade

Explore emo pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of emo pop artists

Here is a list of emo pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the emo pop genre. You can find out what emo pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 1243202
2 53 534155
3 64 2454172
4 40 138532
5 77 9093298
6 60 897996
7 57 735521
8 41 149478
9 67 3109576
10 50 282051
11 26 29646
12 43 162001
13 58 1242393
14 58 1380497
15 56 866820
16 55 638868
17 49 341857
18 32 31288
19 46 304466
20 46 230863
21 26 17333
22 45 195473
23 45 192404
24 44 286548
25 44 311037
26 44 162763
27 47 222698
28 43 219029
29 42 162770
30 42 183934
31 40 134151
32 37 104621
33 37 176082
34 35 59595
35 34 65170
36 33 51950
37 17 7968
38 28 31636
39 29 20967
40 29 34274
41 32 59774
42 28 25214
43 26 39471
44 25 20176
45 15 3033
46 29 42716
47 26 20143
48 54 280328
49 17 2273
50 45 337816
51 41 84992
52 28 23725
53 38 189760
54 25 26511
55 36 39827
56 34 83852
57 16 6178
58 35 75359
59 32 72045
60 30 42596
61 25 18829
62 24 19341
63 23 42809
64 22 10356
65 22 23580
66 22 19873
67 18 15473
68 18 13448
69 18 28479
70 15 3628
71 17 11437
72 17 3211
73 14 2011
74 14 2083
75 14 2936
76 29 7117
77 45 313481
78 18 11146
79 16 6466
80 14 1884
81 29 28266
82 27 50666
83 26 38962
84 24 37346
85 23 3610
86 23 12496
87 23 1941
88 21 20329
89 21 10963
90 20 30233
91 20 9810
92 19 16319
93 18 13542
94 18 11294
95 17 5029
96 15 799
97 15 8800
98 15 6855
99 14 10961
100 14 12155