
Genre: enka

Play genre

Enka is a traditional Japanese music genre that originated in the early 20th century. It is characterized by its melancholic and sentimental lyrics, which often revolve around themes of love, loss, and nostalgia. Enka music is typically accompanied by a slow, melodic instrumental arrangement, featuring instruments such as the shamisen, accordion, and piano. The genre has remained popular in Japan, with many artists achieving commercial success and becoming cultural icons.

Most popular enka artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Enka genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 390
2024 19
2023 86
2022 137
2021 81
2020 67
2010s 420
2019 40
2018 49
2017 58
2016 42
2015 61
2014 44
2013 31
2012 42
2011 25
2010 28
2000s 154
2009 28
2008 20
2007 18
2006 7
2005 18
2004 8
2003 18
2002 18
2001 13
2000 6
1990s 101
1999 17
1998 13
1997 7
1996 6
1995 12
1994 11
1993 10
1992 7
1991 10
1990 8
1980s 54
1989 8
1988 6
1987 4
1986 7
1985 7
1984 3
1983 4
1982 5
1981 8
1980 2
1970s 54
1979 5
1978 4
1977 4
1976 6
1975 8
1974 3
1973 6
1972 8
1971 6
1970 4
1960s 14
1969 4
1968 2
1967 3
1966 1
1963 2
1962 1
1960 1
1950s 1
1950 1
1940s 1
1942 1
1189 releases

Popular enka Songs

Top New enka Songs of 2024

Most popular enka albums

Kill Bill Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack (PA Version)
Lost Hits Of The 60's (All Original Artists & Versions)
美空ひばり 12の詩 (うた) 物語 オリジナルソングス CD BOOK『森光子が詠む美空ひばりの詩 (うた)』マッチングアルバム
日野美歌全曲集 いのりうた

enka music by decade

Explore enka history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of enka artists

Here is a list of enka artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the enka genre. You can find out what enka genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 34 33258
2 42 105136
3 41 65787
4 41 46556
5 34 15529
6 34 14271
7 33 10595
8 33 31377
9 32 16253
10 32 21916
11 30 6136
12 30 12835
13 30 3529
14 29 6686
15 27 5033
16 27 2308
17 26 1960
18 26 12888
19 25 21750
20 37 11086
21 25 9905
22 24 9900
23 23 3356
24 21 7102
25 32 26743
26 42 127848
27 41 36937
28 41 32492
29 40 38226
30 40 54241
31 40 44876
32 29 11298
33 28 4899
34 28 6492
35 37 26042
36 36 21237
37 36 26946
38 36 26209
39 26 10766
40 36 24877
41 36 31137
42 25 29669
43 34 25382
44 34 8899
45 34 8945
46 24 5984
47 30 17756
48 33 9709
49 32 15050
50 32 18051
51 32 12993
52 31 11393
53 31 9941
54 31 13818
55 20 2684
56 30 8766
57 26 6072
58 29 10888
59 27 11084
60 29 3068
61 29 1707
62 29 4254
63 29 15345
64 29 6683
65 27 2287
66 24 2262
67 27 4453
68 27 7613
69 27 6256
70 27 2329
71 26 8755
72 26 5571
73 26 4259
74 26 5047
75 26 6713
76 25 8745
77 25 1253
78 24 4944
79 24 475
80 24 2784
81 23 9736
82 24 3043
83 23 1405
84 19 2288
85 23 5204
86 23 2445
87 23 4044
88 23 7735
89 23 4229
90 22 661
91 22 1658
92 22 2136
93 22 180
94 22 1774
95 21 4184
96 21 2766
97 20 705
98 19 1994
99 19 1841
100 19 2295

enka playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular enka music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.