
Genre epicore

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Epicore is a genre of music that is characterized by its grand and cinematic sound. It often features orchestral arrangements, powerful percussion, and choir vocals. The music is designed to evoke a sense of epicness and adventure, and is commonly used in film trailers, video games, and other media. The genre is known for its ability to transport listeners to other worlds and inspire feelings of courage and heroism. (AI Generated)

Most popular epicore artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Epicore genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1009
2025 2
2024 138
2023 311
2022 200
2021 162
2020 196
2010s 837
2019 152
2018 135
2017 177
2016 98
2015 78
2014 66
2013 34
2012 45
2011 37
2010 15
2000s 42
2009 11
2008 12
2007 4
2006 6
2005 2
2004 2
2003 2
2002 1
2001 1
2000 1
1990s 2
1998 1
1997 1
1980s 1
1982 1
1891 releases

epicore playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular epicore music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular epicore Songs

Top New epicore Songs of 2024

epicore music by decade

Explore epicore history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of epicore artists

Here is a list of epicore artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the epicore genre. You can find out what epicore genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 62 310669
2 48 18687
3 49 6926
4 49 151373
5 47 160553
6 47 115822
7 45 10276
8 45 71339
9 44 33045
10 43 8037
11 43 10872
12 43 9289
13 42 12408
14 42 6364
15 41 8128
16 41 12783
17 41 5330
18 40 16699
19 40 14577
20 40 37188
21 40 5644
22 40 18159
23 40 5679
24 39 43658
25 39 2531
26 39 22078
27 39 21902
28 39 15002
29 39 26497
30 39 1322
31 39 2203
32 38 4467
33 36 14311
34 38 65089
35 38 1137
36 38 18816
37 38 7835
38 38 1972
39 38 4798
40 38 16853
41 38 5224
42 37 16496
43 37 6404
44 37 8158
45 37 22079
46 37 4717
47 36 7883
48 36 42244
49 36 18645
50 36 2504
51 36 6185
52 35 3147
53 35 35212
54 35 7759
55 35 15532
56 35 8378
57 35 17195
58 35 8848
59 34 4907
60 34 5533
61 34 1690
62 34 10902
63 32 7166
64 33 14253
65 33 5476
66 33 21555
67 33 23810
68 33 4793
69 33 5986
70 32 12213
71 32 11004
72 32 4544
73 32 4194
74 32 1174
75 31 3896
76 31 12595
77 31 8644
78 31 4198
79 31 5577
80 31 5085
81 31 2081
82 31 733
83 31 7561
84 30 3645
85 30 7442
86 30 5918
87 30 1857
88 30 10193
89 30 4901
90 30 1745
91 30 16084
92 30 703
93 29 5634
94 29 8355
95 29 2762
96 29 4112
97 29 5725
98 29 4250
99 29 4695
100 29 2685