
Genre: erotik

Play genre

Erotik music is a genre of music that is characterized by sensual and seductive tones, often incorporating elements of electronic and R&B music. It is designed to evoke feelings of passion and intimacy, creating a mood that is both alluring and provocative. The lyrics and melodies of erotik music are often explicit and suggestive, exploring themes of desire, love, and physical attraction. This genre is popular among those seeking a more sensual and intimate musical experience.

Most popular erotik artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Erotik genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 61
2023 24
2022 10
2021 11
2020 16
2010s 31
2019 13
2018 4
2017 3
2016 1
2015 3
2013 2
2012 2
2011 2
2010 1
92 releases

Popular erotik Songs

Top New erotik Songs of 2024

erotik music by decade

Explore erotik history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of erotik artists

Here is a list of erotik artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the erotik genre. You can find out what erotik genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 2302
2 44 2380
3 40 1141
4 38 37066
5 38 1366
6 36 138
7 34 2739
8 34 1997
9 34 307
10 33 1186
11 32 1503
12 31 1608
13 30 1002
14 28 1042
15 27 434
16 27 364
17 27 1006
18 27 216
19 27 3504
20 27 584
21 26 1233
22 26 147
23 26 139
24 25 167
25 25 1503
26 25 1516
27 24 233
28 24 221
29 23 1619
30 23 765
31 23 55
32 23 854
33 22 464
34 22 914
35 22 512
36 21 223
37 21 856
38 21 163
39 20 1943
40 20 428
41 20 729
42 20 979
43 20 407
44 19 121
45 19 558
46 19 640
47 19 529
48 19 812
49 17 197
50 17 1184
51 17 1631
52 17 445
53 17 1552
54 16 435
55 16 150
56 15 293
57 15 222
58 15 314
59 15 271
60 15 1029
61 15 569
62 14 348
63 14 366
64 14 699
65 14 172
66 14 736
67 14 978
68 13 490
69 13 621
70 13 274
71 13 122
72 12 209
73 12 513
74 11 107
75 11 1099
76 11 642
77 11 401
78 11 127
79 10 199
80 10 497
81 10 850
82 10 457
83 9 231
84 9 74
85 9 133
86 9 319
87 8 224
88 8 674
89 8 37
90 8 129
91 7 520
92 7 166
93 7 134
94 7 130
95 6 234
96 6 69
97 5 75
98 5 202
99 5 336
100 4 131

erotik playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular erotik music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.