
Genre: ethereal gothic

Play genre

Ethereal gothic music is a genre that combines haunting, ethereal vocals with dark, atmospheric instrumentals. The use of cello adds a melancholic and mournful element to the music, while the incorporation of electronic elements creates a sense of otherworldliness. The lyrics often explore themes of death, loss, and the supernatural. Tapping The Vein and Life In Sodom are two notable bands within this genre.

Most popular ethereal gothic artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ethereal Gothic genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 17
2023 5
2022 6
2021 1
2020 5
2010s 25
2019 2
2018 1
2017 4
2016 3
2015 1
2014 4
2013 2
2012 1
2011 2
2010 5
2000s 43
2009 8
2008 6
2007 1
2006 7
2005 2
2004 4
2003 6
2002 2
2001 4
2000 3
1990s 25
1999 4
1998 2
1997 5
1996 5
1995 3
1994 2
1992 1
1991 1
1990 2
110 releases

Popular ethereal gothic Songs

ethereal gothic music by decade

Explore ethereal gothic history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ethereal gothic artists

Here is a list of ethereal gothic artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ethereal gothic genre. You can find out what ethereal gothic genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 12 1324
2 4 1144
3 12 1729
4 11 1785
5 9 1830
6 9 1679
7 7 1032
8 6 749
9 6 534
10 5 904
11 5 1016
12 5 724
13 4 902
14 4 588
15 2 789
16 2 233
17 2 637
18 2 550
19 2 520
20 1 469
21 1 381
22 1 305
23 22 5952
24 20 11771
25 8 984
26 18 1735
27 6 1214
28 16 1674
29 15 1998
30 15 1384
31 15 6330
32 4 734
33 3 588
34 2 369
35 2 566
36 2 626
37 1 402
38 11 1202
39 10 2446
40 10 757
41 9 842
42 8 1305
43 6 986
44 6 745
45 6 1006
46 6 309
47 5 538
48 5 327
49 5 1152
50 3 67
51 4 1386
52 4 942
53 4 1060
54 4 484
55 4 665
56 2 312
57 3 532
58 3 527
59 3 459
60 3 1064
61 3 772
62 3 319
63 2 405
64 1 323
65 2 425
66 2 415
67 2 469
68 2 385
69 2 485
70 2 350
71 2 485
72 2 258
73 2 103
74 2 695
75 1 43
76 1 178
77 1 255
78 1 393
79 1 398
80 1 526
81 1 284
82 1 392
83 1 370
84 1 695
85 1 373
86 1 123
87 1 234
88 1 362
89 1 373
90 1 341
91 1 187

ethereal gothic playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ethereal gothic music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.