
Genre: euskal musica

Play genre

Parent Genre: latin

Euskal Musica is a genre of music that originates from the Basque Country, an autonomous region in northern Spain. It is characterized by its use of traditional Basque instruments and melodies, combined with modern production techniques. The music often features haunting vocals and a strong emphasis on rhythm. Euskal Musica has gained popularity in recent years, with artists blending traditional elements with contemporary sounds to create a unique and captivating sound.

Most popular euskal musica artists

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Popular euskal musica Songs

Top New euskal musica Songs of 2024

euskal musica music by decade

Explore euskal musica history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of euskal musica artists

Here is a list of euskal musica artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the euskal musica genre. You can find out what euskal musica genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 20147
2 37 5703
3 35 7772
4 33 7719
5 41 29199
6 36 35370
7 25 1031
8 23 6721
9 32 8291
10 32 6719
11 30 11424
12 44 43152
13 28 1961
14 28 10765
15 16 1930
16 27 3679
17 16 1659
18 25 1968
19 24 3686
20 13 1661
21 23 2073
22 49 54540
23 21 7443
24 48 36770
25 19 667
26 7 820
27 44 48117
28 5 1353
29 44 17667
30 7 696
31 14 2781
32 40 7343
33 9 1938
34 35 6465
35 27 3266
36 35 15732
37 34 5922
38 34 27268
39 33 4853
40 33 4873
41 32 15519
42 24 3406
43 30 3085
44 2 651
45 27 1418
46 25 4588
47 25 4088
48 25 6237
49 25 6925
50 24 2702
51 23 1108
52 23 681
53 21 887
54 21 926
55 19 1398
56 10 384
57 18 3612
58 18 1308
59 17 375
60 17 2555
61 16 1110
62 7 872
63 15 1123
64 14 831
65 6 577
66 14 2305
67 14 1159
68 13 2043
69 4 501
70 12 513
71 11 102
72 10 1644
73 10 908
74 9 522
75 8 659
76 7 721
77 8 398
78 7 838
79 7 432
80 7 330
81 7 470
82 7 551
83 6 948
84 6 349
85 6 599
86 5 448
87 5 617
88 5 413
89 4 1362
90 4 405
91 4 709
92 4 249
93 3 314
94 3 259
95 3 389
96 3 205
97 2 308
98 2 300
99 2 405
100 2 382

euskal musica playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular euskal musica music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.