
Genre: experimental club

Play genre

Experimental club music is a genre that blends elements of electronic, hip-hop, and dance music to create a unique and innovative sound. It often features unconventional rhythms, glitchy beats, and distorted samples, creating a chaotic and unpredictable atmosphere on the dancefloor. This genre is characterized by its willingness to push boundaries and challenge traditional musical structures, resulting in a constantly evolving and exciting sonic landscape.

Most popular experimental club artists

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Parent Genre: pop

Related genres

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Experimental Club genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 328
2024 34
2023 90
2022 70
2021 72
2020 62
2010s 139
2019 54
2018 33
2017 22
2016 9
2015 5
2014 9
2013 3
2012 4
467 releases

Popular experimental club Songs

Top New experimental club Songs of 2024

experimental club music by decade

Explore experimental club history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of experimental club artists

Here is a list of experimental club artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the experimental club genre. You can find out what experimental club genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 10252
2 26 8622
3 23 9371
4 30 4581
5 20 11040
6 15 3410
7 11 10021
8 20 8132
9 21 9861
10 17 2518
11 11 6903
12 14 3264
13 11 9500
14 15 1752
15 13 8918
16 8 1507
17 15 5168
18 8 1080
19 4 1378
20 8 3543
21 10 1624
22 10 1168
23 10 3454
24 43 8885
25 6 7121
26 1 2259
27 6 2765
28 5 713
29 5 1338
30 3 3521
31 2 863
32 45 16752
33 3 1416
34 4 832
35 39 4717
36 4 827
37 4 1583
38 3 298
39 3 1839
40 2 412
41 2 764
42 1 674
43 1 639
44 40 31677
45 36 18882
46 34 6848
47 31 8801
48 13 5084
49 22 11473
50 22 3962
51 23 11194
52 30 8493
53 30 19647
54 29 16925
55 27 6606
56 19 5459
57 13 3440
58 22 8906
59 17 8767
60 24 4132
61 23 15332
62 19 6213
63 10 6069
64 14 2684
65 22 7618
66 20 9101
67 20 8133
68 12 3258
69 19 7944
70 16 4774
71 13 4721
72 16 5036
73 14 686
74 11 7620
75 15 708
76 14 7705
77 8 4696
78 10 1680
79 9 6532
80 7 1459
81 8 1766
82 7 1509
83 6 1388
84 6 1917
85 4 385
86 4 974
87 1 269
88 3 357
89 3 652
90 3 680
91 3 784
92 3 1596
93 3 1188
94 1 919
95 2 608
96 1 795
97 1 1823
98 1 1294
99 1 152
100 1 204

experimental club playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular experimental club music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.