
Genre: fan chant

Play genre

Fan chant is a music genre that involves fans of sports teams chanting and singing in support of their favorite team. Football chants are a popular form of fan chant that are commonly heard at football matches. FanChants is a platform that provides a collection of fan chants from various sports teams around the world. Club Atlético Boca Juniors FanChants is a specific collection of fan chants from the Argentine football club Boca Juniors. The genre is characterized by its rhythmic and repetitive nature, often featuring simple melodies and lyrics that are easy to sing along to.

Most popular fan chant artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Fan Chant genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1
2020 1
2010s 72
2019 15
2017 8
2016 48
2015 1
73 releases

Popular fan chant Songs

fan chant music by decade

Explore fan chant history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of fan chant artists

Here is a list of fan chant artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the fan chant genre. You can find out what fan chant genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 46 25560
2 43 4978
3 35 23617
4 34 14778
5 20 2439
6 27 5280
7 27 5181
8 19 3318
9 18 2831
10 25 1359
11 16 2010
12 22 1429
13 22 2106
14 17 2438
15 14 1363
16 21 2945
17 18 2776
18 13 2307
19 15 3567
20 12 2130
21 20 852
22 20 1071
23 19 1493
24 19 329
25 11 8265
26 19 2337
27 19 593
28 19 426
29 19 970
30 18 831
31 18 2315
32 18 3802
33 18 6992
34 13 757
35 17 324
36 17 1000
37 16 588
38 15 326
39 15 449
40 10 444
41 15 710
42 14 1583
43 9 261
44 14 1835
45 14 408
46 14 1102
47 13 498
48 13 3557
49 13 513
50 13 523
51 13 408
52 13 815
53 12 902
54 12 1013
55 12 611
56 12 1066
57 12 1002
58 12 1286
59 12 2162
60 12 1124
61 8 812
62 11 933
63 11 710
64 11 2193
65 10 587
66 10 439
67 10 518
68 10 321
69 10 401
70 10 560
71 9 557
72 9 922
73 9 503
74 9 588
75 9 244
76 6 967
77 9 225
78 8 186
79 8 874
80 8 352
81 8 406
82 8 963
83 7 318
84 7 428
85 7 384
86 7 230
87 7 467
88 7 792
89 7 632
90 7 737
91 7 470
92 7 345
93 7 1211
94 7 413
95 6 27
96 6 203
97 6 450
98 6 1146
99 6 387
100 6 1558

fan chant playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular fan chant music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.