
Genre: finnish folk

Play genre

Parent Genre: Folk/Acoustic

Finnish folk music is characterized by its unique blend of traditional melodies and modern instrumentation. The genre often features intricate vocal harmonies, lively rhythms, and the use of traditional instruments such as the kantele and accordion. The lyrics often draw inspiration from nature, folklore, and everyday life in Finland.

Most popular finnish folk artists

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Popular finnish folk Songs

finnish folk music by decade

Explore finnish folk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of finnish folk artists

Here is a list of finnish folk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the finnish folk genre. You can find out what finnish folk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 29 16083
2 35 6391
3 33 5920
4 19 2339
5 26 1968
6 21 5134
7 15 902
8 23 3911
9 13 1663
10 20 4446
11 12 1784
12 15 3072
13 10 1281
14 25 4740
15 17 2898
16 11 534
17 20 1644
18 13 465
19 13 2203
20 19 489
21 14 3145
22 10 297
23 9 2349
24 17 6478
25 10 1834
26 15 582
27 16 3989
28 4 909
29 4 880
30 14 1080
31 11 1895
32 1 251
33 11 4730
34 6 548
35 6 463
36 2 182
37 2 425
38 1 206
39 9 1142
40 9 2244
41 9 1064
42 8 360
43 8 911
44 7 526
45 7 271
46 2 125
47 6 588
48 6 751
49 6 364
50 6 361
51 6 920
52 6 614
53 6 692
54 6 354
55 5 435
56 5 806
57 5 600
58 5 152
59 4 799
60 4 1290
61 4 408
62 4 537
63 4 327
64 4 129
65 4 491
66 4 170
67 4 383
68 3 111
69 3 362
70 3 115
71 2 179
72 2 104
73 2 88
74 2 420
75 2 920
76 2 269
77 2 60
78 2 255
79 2 140
80 2 205
81 2 176
82 1 79
83 1 641
84 1 140
85 1 145
86 1 110
87 1 131
88 1 178
89 1 33
90 1 178
91 1 82
92 1 144
93 1 155
94 1 144
95 1 361

finnish folk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular finnish folk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.