
Genre: flick hop

Play genre

Flick hop is a subgenre of hip hop that is characterized by its dark and gritty sound. It often features aggressive and confrontational lyrics that touch on themes of violence, crime, and social injustice. The beats are typically heavy and sample-based, with a focus on hard-hitting drums and ominous melodies. Flick hop artists often have a strong underground following and are known for their raw and unapologetic approach to music.

Most popular flick hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Flick Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 62
2024 7
2023 16
2022 9
2021 12
2020 18
2010s 122
2019 12
2018 9
2017 10
2016 10
2015 16
2014 10
2013 11
2012 13
2011 16
2010 15
2000s 54
2009 13
2008 13
2007 9
2006 7
2005 2
2004 6
2003 2
2001 1
2000 1
238 releases

Popular flick hop Songs

Top New flick hop Songs of 2024

flick hop music by decade

Explore flick hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of flick hop artists

Here is a list of flick hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the flick hop genre. You can find out what flick hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 96202
2 46 59861
3 45 106389
4 41 12851
5 41 19561
6 40 19056
7 38 5936
8 38 23725
9 37 18932
10 36 11265
11 35 7545
12 33 6798
13 31 23291
14 32 10727
15 29 13270
16 29 11305
17 21 6206
18 28 6075
19 27 8396
20 25 9321
21 23 3353
22 22 35587
23 21 9731
24 16 4400
25 16 4376
26 13 2578
27 45 3067
28 11 2933
29 42 5799
30 10 1760
31 36 20120
32 10 2583
33 9 1466
34 9 2290
35 32 10886
36 40 5414
37 6 1698
38 32 21585
39 28 3927
40 32 7124
41 32 1119
42 31 6533
43 29 8853
44 30 3492
45 28 5082
46 28 3609
47 28 1827
48 27 7129
49 26 1165
50 26 3570
51 25 1957
52 24 3200
53 23 3292
54 23 7137
55 22 437
56 21 3621
57 22 589
58 22 1541
59 15 3543
60 20 1551
61 20 514
62 20 2950
63 19 561
64 20 604
65 19 1494
66 17 1302
67 15 311
68 15 2073
69 15 1585
70 14 1939
71 14 1754
72 13 517
73 12 399
74 11 2194
75 11 915
76 11 1904
77 10 648
78 10 444
79 9 747
80 9 759
81 9 432
82 7 250
83 7 1761
84 8 1505
85 8 890
86 7 860
87 7 157
88 7 5913
89 7 637
90 6 492
91 6 135
92 6 1066
93 6 862
94 5 1776
95 5 715
96 5 2079
97 5 1160
98 5 172
99 5 2071
100 4 694

flick hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular flick hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.