
Genre: focus trance

Play genre

Focus trance is a genre of electronic dance music that features hypnotic rhythms and melodic patterns. It is characterized by its ability to create a trance-like state in the listener, allowing them to focus and lose themselves in the music. The genre often incorporates elements of progressive house and techno, with a focus on building tension and releasing it through climactic drops. The use of atmospheric sounds and ethereal vocals adds to the otherworldly feel of the music.

Most popular focus trance artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Focus Trance genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 736
2024 130
2023 271
2022 145
2021 103
2020 87
2010s 224
2019 77
2018 41
2017 29
2016 20
2015 16
2014 12
2013 10
2012 9
2011 4
2010 6
2000s 4
2009 2
2007 1
2000 1
964 releases

Popular focus trance Songs

Top New focus trance Songs of 2024

focus trance music by decade

Explore focus trance history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of focus trance artists

Here is a list of focus trance artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the focus trance genre. You can find out what focus trance genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 35 18823
2 31 10010
3 28 5968
4 26 5086
5 27 10247
6 27 8223
7 24 12524
8 24 5452
9 23 6861
10 22 5177
11 35 12397
12 20 3520
13 27 4487
14 26 4317
15 23 4509
16 24 4876
17 21 3432
18 22 18397
19 21 3736
20 21 3494
21 19 2661
22 19 1850
23 19 4128
24 18 2376
25 18 5178
26 18 2377
27 18 1645
28 17 2009
29 17 3184
30 16 5709
31 15 2427
32 15 1734
33 15 3026
34 15 2999
35 14 1839
36 14 1809
37 27 3493
38 27 2983
39 37 36024
40 31 4450
41 26 4230
42 15 1589
43 23 2204
44 30 9910
45 22 3253
46 20 1281
47 20 2830
48 20 1678
49 19 1888
50 18 2229
51 24 5873
52 16 879
53 21 2680
54 15 1319
55 17 1808
56 16 1698
57 14 1852
58 30 10241
59 28 2789
60 27 2954
61 25 1378
62 25 2858
63 25 4055
64 24 915
65 24 1065
66 22 3662
67 20 1545
68 22 1508
69 20 1651
70 21 1714
71 21 757
72 21 1470
73 20 1609
74 21 1616
75 20 631
76 19 1673
77 20 2590
78 20 1460
79 20 2274
80 19 2090
81 19 1050
82 19 2601
83 19 1354
84 18 910
85 18 376
86 18 1612
87 18 2020
88 18 1463
89 17 2528
90 17 1849
91 17 723
92 16 1048
93 16 908
94 15 736
95 15 512
96 15 814
97 15 561
98 14 700
99 14 1134
100 14 2780

focus trance playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular focus trance music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.