
Genre: fogo pentecostal

Play genre

Fogo Pentecostal is a subgenre of Brazilian gospel music that originated in Pentecostal churches. It is characterized by its energetic and passionate style, often featuring powerful vocals and lively instrumentation. The lyrics focus on themes of faith, salvation, and the Holy Spirit. Fogo Pentecostal has gained popularity in Brazil and beyond, with many artists achieving mainstream success.

Most popular fogo pentecostal artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Fogo Pentecostal genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 143
2024 9
2023 37
2022 38
2021 39
2020 20
2010s 170
2019 21
2018 11
2017 14
2016 20
2015 15
2014 33
2013 24
2012 11
2011 8
2010 13
2000s 92
2009 12
2008 13
2007 5
2006 10
2005 11
2004 8
2003 14
2002 6
2001 8
2000 5
1990s 27
1999 4
1998 6
1997 3
1996 2
1995 3
1994 3
1993 2
1991 2
1990 2
1980s 8
1989 3
1988 1
1986 1
1984 1
1983 1
1982 1
1970s 1
1976 1
441 releases

Popular fogo pentecostal Songs

Top New fogo pentecostal Songs of 2024

fogo pentecostal music by decade

Explore fogo pentecostal history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of fogo pentecostal artists

Here is a list of fogo pentecostal artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the fogo pentecostal genre. You can find out what fogo pentecostal genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 735537
2 51 924705
3 54 1300184
4 45 503782
5 44 295590
6 48 1327421
7 47 403485
8 46 264307
9 44 134042
10 33 57267
11 36 256036
12 36 77408
13 36 82700
14 33 387105
15 39 16150
16 34 54809
17 41 46731
18 40 4078
19 34 53434
20 33 23675
21 31 10278
22 28 19904
23 27 18666
24 26 21816
25 25 7445
26 22 19302
27 21 15405
28 20 7042
29 19 41488
30 19 21414
31 18 28869
32 18 6083
33 18 13635
34 18 11631
35 16 35625
36 15 6934
37 15 2893
38 11 3957
39 10 5626
40 10 1180
41 8 3616
42 7 4376
43 7 2398
44 7 3537
45 5 4015
46 4 2342
47 4 6344
48 3 1765
49 3 4815
50 2 3391
51 2 3759
52 1 427
53 1 1401
54 1 615

fogo pentecostal playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular fogo pentecostal music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.