
Genre: folclore santiagueno

Play genre

Folclore santiagueño is a traditional music genre from the Santiago del Estero province in Argentina. It is characterized by the use of instruments such as the guitar, accordion, and bombo drum, and features lyrics that often reflect the region's rural lifestyle and indigenous heritage. The music is known for its upbeat rhythms and lively melodies, and has gained popularity throughout Argentina and beyond. (AI Generated)

Most popular folclore santiagueno artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Folclore Santiagueno genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 61
2024 1
2023 15
2022 18
2021 14
2020 13
2010s 107
2019 9
2018 11
2017 10
2016 12
2015 16
2014 8
2013 10
2012 10
2011 13
2010 8
2000s 102
2009 10
2008 11
2007 15
2006 11
2005 16
2004 9
2003 10
2002 7
2001 5
2000 8
1990s 32
1999 4
1998 4
1997 7
1996 3
1995 3
1994 4
1992 2
1991 3
1990 2
1980s 16
1989 1
1988 3
1987 5
1986 1
1985 1
1984 2
1983 1
1982 1
1981 1
1970s 1
1974 1
1960s 1
1969 1
320 releases

Popular folclore santiagueno Songs

folclore santiagueno music by decade

Explore folclore santiagueno history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of folclore santiagueno artists

Here is a list of folclore santiagueno artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the folclore santiagueno genre. You can find out what folclore santiagueno genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 22742
2 52 196436
3 56 314624
4 53 209100
5 31 17489
6 47 22636
7 44 98878
8 43 39672
9 26 6323
10 38 60880
11 38 62769
12 36 28037
13 29 9754
14 31 12141
15 32 24712
16 30 16812
17 30 25790
18 29 13572
19 29 8102
20 29 7029
21 28 4789
22 24 3847
23 21 14084
24 21 782
25 21 1995
26 19 5345
27 25 4315
28 13 2864
29 26 5081
30 23 2319
31 17 3232
32 21 3235
33 28 5525
34 19 3970
35 5 2182
36 31 2237
37 28 3997
38 12 1978
39 25 1449
40 24 7112
41 10 1526
42 23 2130
43 9 1049
44 19 1564
45 20 1614
46 19 3879
47 18 334
48 18 2108
49 17 770
50 17 1695
51 3 705
52 3 746
53 16 921
54 15 533
55 15 256
56 15 1241
57 14 709
58 14 585
59 14 1127
60 14 929
61 13 1107
62 13 923
63 13 1547
64 11 1973
65 10 677
66 9 881
67 9 451
68 8 450
69 8 91
70 6 124
71 5 635
72 5 466
73 5 229
74 5 298
75 4 514
76 3 258
77 3 322
78 3 145
79 3 343
80 3 182
81 3 231
82 3 30
83 3 534
84 2 178
85 2 234
86 2 22
87 1 65
88 1 63
89 1 13
90 1 149

folclore santiagueno playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular folclore santiagueno music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.