
Genre: folk rock italiano

Play genre

Parent Genre: rock

Folk rock italiano is a music genre that combines traditional Italian folk music with elements of rock and roll. The genre emerged in the 1960s and 1970s and is characterized by acoustic instruments such as guitar, mandolin, and accordion, as well as poetic lyrics that often address social and political issues. The music is known for its melodic and introspective qualities, and has been influential in shaping Italian popular music.

Most popular folk rock italiano artists

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Popular folk rock italiano Songs

folk rock italiano music by decade

Explore folk rock italiano history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of folk rock italiano artists

Here is a list of folk rock italiano artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the folk rock italiano genre. You can find out what folk rock italiano genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 1186655
2 61 936181
3 56 745164
4 46 274849
5 48 428128
6 42 270626
7 52 313224
8 39 125113
9 52 353023
10 53 246559
11 42 142671
12 44 186016
13 37 47782
14 35 61229
15 32 28213
16 31 17542
17 32 14472
18 26 19169
19 29 20977
20 23 4370
21 26 7807
22 19 21261
23 23 1924
24 24 3892
25 24 9927
26 22 7584
27 21 5149
28 19 11842
29 16 4428
30 17 2615
31 14 5662
32 14 7820
33 15 4889
34 15 3946
35 15 1188
36 14 331
37 14 5512
38 12 2288
39 12 2697
40 12 1791
41 9 2200
42 9 2068
43 9 4065
44 3 382
45 6 1194
46 6 3011
47 6 1679
48 6 2100
49 5 1115
50 5 491
51 4 631
52 4 171
53 4 731
54 4 485
55 2 255
56 2 201
57 2 566
58 2 340
59 1 233
60 1 148
61 1 175
62 1 247
63 1 360
64 1 571

folk rock italiano playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular folk rock italiano music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.