
Genre: folklore nuevo argentino

Play genre

Folklore Nuevo Argentino is a music genre that blends traditional Argentine folk music with contemporary elements, such as rock, pop, and jazz. The genre often features acoustic instruments, such as guitar, charango, and bombo, and incorporates regional rhythms and melodies from different parts of Argentina. The lyrics often reflect social and political issues, as well as the country's rich cultural heritage.

Most popular folklore nuevo argentino artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Folklore Nuevo Argentino genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 94
2024 6
2023 22
2022 30
2021 17
2020 19
2010s 121
2019 15
2018 18
2017 15
2016 12
2015 18
2014 8
2013 8
2012 10
2011 6
2010 11
2000s 33
2009 5
2008 2
2007 9
2005 6
2004 1
2003 3
2002 2
2001 3
2000 2
1990s 5
1999 2
1998 2
1996 1
253 releases

Popular folklore nuevo argentino Songs

Top New folklore nuevo argentino Songs of 2024

Most popular folklore nuevo argentino albums

Zambas Románticas: Mujer, Niña y Amiga / Gustito a Mistol / Gallitos del Aire / Jazmín de Luna
Yo No Te Merezco
Firme Como el Quebracho
Dejando Huellas
Parando por la Tera

folklore nuevo argentino music by decade

Explore folklore nuevo argentino history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of folklore nuevo argentino artists

Here is a list of folklore nuevo argentino artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the folklore nuevo argentino genre. You can find out what folklore nuevo argentino genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 21907
2 29 17355
3 37 14909
4 26 6342
5 35 26707
6 32 12694
7 52 24737
8 33 4790
9 33 23212
10 52 119569
11 47 53048
12 48 25119
13 23 12365
14 18 8021
15 23 4178
16 21 1281
17 20 8120
18 25 4956
19 20 10497
20 19 12348
21 17 6792
22 17 3232
23 21 2253
24 20 3133
25 15 5501
26 9 1525
27 28 4833
28 18 3912
29 31 14268
30 31 3297
31 28 6522
32 24 3486
33 27 4863
34 27 2501
35 11 1950
36 6 1684
37 24 1337
38 5 1986
39 23 1916
40 22 2928
41 8 1511
42 8 1039
43 21 14082
44 21 4858
45 19 2338
46 19 2052
47 18 1364
48 18 1150
49 3 705
50 3 738
51 17 3064
52 17 3440
53 17 1231
54 16 1514
55 16 2969
56 15 1188
57 15 2499
58 15 1229
59 14 2188
60 14 2495
61 11 700
62 10 1414
63 5 358
64 9 718
65 8 678
66 8 830
67 8 230
68 7 3284
69 6 695
70 6 758
71 6 2274
72 2 915
73 5 671
74 5 676
75 3 2684
76 3 328
77 3 146
78 3 385
79 3 1177
80 2 240
81 2 364
82 2 1657
83 1 1199
84 1 323

folklore nuevo argentino playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular folklore nuevo argentino music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.