
Genre: forro tradicional

Play genre

Forro tradicional is a popular music genre from Northeastern Brazil that originated in the early 20th century. It is characterized by the use of accordion, triangle, and zabumba (a type of bass drum), and its lyrics often reflect the daily life and struggles of the rural population. The genre gained national and international recognition in the 1940s and 1950s with the rise of artists who popularized it, and it remains a beloved and influential style of music in Brazil today.

Most popular forro tradicional artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Forro Tradicional genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 144
2024 5
2023 23
2022 10
2021 74
2020 32
2010s 180
2019 41
2018 19
2017 23
2016 26
2015 26
2014 15
2013 5
2012 8
2011 11
2010 6
2000s 107
2009 9
2008 6
2007 6
2006 15
2005 16
2004 7
2003 8
2002 9
2001 19
2000 12
1990s 38
1999 8
1998 6
1997 5
1996 4
1995 3
1994 4
1992 2
1991 4
1990 2
1980s 38
1989 1
1988 1
1987 4
1986 3
1985 1
1984 3
1983 3
1982 7
1981 9
1980 6
1970s 39
1979 2
1978 6
1977 4
1976 5
1975 4
1974 5
1973 7
1972 3
1971 2
1970 1
1960s 30
1969 3
1968 3
1967 4
1966 4
1965 3
1964 3
1963 3
1962 3
1961 1
1960 3
1950s 7
1958 3
1957 2
1956 2
583 releases

Popular forro tradicional Songs

Top New forro tradicional Songs of 2024

forro tradicional music by decade

Explore forro tradicional history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of forro tradicional artists

Here is a list of forro tradicional artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the forro tradicional genre. You can find out what forro tradicional genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 672269
2 39 122769
3 28 4808
4 20 1949
5 34 38713
6 32 9893
7 29 9940
8 29 22481
9 41 36466
10 27 1188
11 24 4100
12 26 9246
13 38 114071
14 27 16216
15 37 65330
16 36 35461
17 35 1484
18 16 3750
19 23 2999
20 25 2190
21 34 23632
22 34 35709
23 34 7613
24 33 579
25 17 2991
26 13 1495
27 14 3145
28 16 1820
29 26 10063
30 31 4023
31 30 4369
32 30 16953
33 30 15732
34 30 6780
35 28 8680
36 18 1130
37 28 18663
38 17 2135
39 26 23686
40 27 7134
41 27 9117
42 26 3954
43 26 10557
44 26 4310
45 19 1110
46 25 6413
47 23 6320
48 16 2660
49 22 5227
50 21 10561
51 19 8194
52 21 3489
53 21 2615
54 20 3182
55 20 4846
56 17 2182
57 19 4835
58 18 3018
59 19 4469
60 19 2805
61 19 5431
62 19 1666
63 19 1420
64 11 1206
65 18 1589
66 17 2283
67 17 2352
68 17 3224
69 17 8815
70 16 2300
71 16 3999
72 16 600
73 16 750
74 16 2720
75 16 2347
76 15 1332
77 15 823
78 15 1372
79 15 1464
80 15 2785
81 15 1095
82 14 996
83 14 1550
84 14 474
85 14 1348
86 13 680
87 13 1331
88 13 742
89 13 973
90 12 144
91 12 1761
92 12 505
93 12 7768
94 11 731
95 11 839
96 11 347
97 11 707
98 11 1909
99 11 1820
100 11 1239

forro tradicional playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular forro tradicional music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.