
Genre forro

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Forró is a popular music genre originating from Northeastern Brazil, characterized by its upbeat rhythms and accordion-driven melodies. It is often associated with traditional dance styles such as the quadrilha and the baião. In recent years, forró has undergone a modernization with the incorporation of electronic beats and other contemporary elements. This has led to the emergence of new sub-genres such as forró universitário and forró eletrônico. The genre has gained popularity across Brazil and beyond, with many artists achieving mainstream success. (AI Generated)

Most popular forro artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Forro genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 8231
2025 3
2024 1233
2023 2713
2022 1977
2021 1228
2020 1077
2010s 2599
2019 822
2018 469
2017 370
2016 240
2015 197
2014 139
2013 122
2012 95
2011 75
2010 70
2000s 853
2009 87
2008 85
2007 78
2006 86
2005 112
2004 77
2003 83
2002 84
2001 80
2000 81
1990s 301
1999 53
1998 65
1997 53
1996 33
1995 27
1994 27
1993 10
1992 10
1991 12
1990 11
1980s 112
1989 10
1988 5
1987 15
1986 12
1985 9
1984 7
1983 9
1982 14
1981 19
1980 12
1970s 101
1979 14
1978 12
1977 14
1976 13
1975 12
1974 10
1973 13
1972 7
1971 4
1970 2
1960s 38
1969 4
1968 4
1967 6
1966 7
1965 3
1964 3
1963 3
1962 4
1961 1
1960 3
1950s 9
1959 1
1958 3
1957 2
1956 2
1954 1
1900s 2
1905 2
12246 releases

forro playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular forro music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular forro Songs

Top New forro Songs of 2024

forro music by decade

Explore forro history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of forro artists

Here is a list of forro artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the forro genre. You can find out what forro genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 67 925534
2 81 658014
3 72 780319
4 57 1475227
5 61 2457359
6 77 275711
7 76 3349623
8 65 701139
9 63 68934
10 71 1225338
11 60 234454
12 60 111491
13 67 6369127
14 58 359120
15 56 26135
16 56 258831
17 65 1862003
18 56 107629
19 64 1514961
20 55 51916
21 55 853983
22 61 2137493
23 59 890466
24 53 296857
25 79 22413592
26 65 6832805
27 75 2696589
28 73 5156072
29 63 1260414
30 64 1008309
31 64 4680563
32 73 2629573
33 61 431958
34 68 2021033
35 70 87827
36 78 933805
37 68 1318895
38 56 88929
39 53 173325
40 68 3188036
41 66 30746
42 61 5340415
43 53 409175
44 62 505568
45 61 263452
46 60 414524
47 54 940987
48 69 7462580
49 59 39786
50 58 12513
51 67 68537
52 65 1265373
53 54 445380
54 54 467913
55 55 18034
56 64 5894229
57 54 78475
58 64 66456
59 53 351669
60 55 132556
61 56 65145
62 64 287359
63 57 589491
64 78 11825846
65 71 3648515
66 71 389714
67 61 215786
68 57 2679562
69 60 353764
70 67 886367
71 55 670540
72 64 704710
73 60 246391
74 55 882582
75 53 77928
76 53 35126
77 78 36166472
78 58 98139
79 62 149328
80 68 2369601
81 53 158150
82 57 1644353
83 56 354909
84 53 175835
85 58 719112
86 61 239579
87 59 18206
88 59 20498
89 60 1266276
90 63 1806597
91 63 2807546
92 56 502436
93 56 616651
94 55 712582
95 56 333176
96 60 467006
97 53 415425
98 59 301592
99 53 422871
100 54 781444