
Genre french baroque

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French Baroque music is a genre that emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries in France. It is characterized by its ornate and elaborate style, with a focus on vocal and instrumental music. The genre is known for its use of dance rhythms and its incorporation of elements from Italian opera. French Baroque music was heavily influenced by the court of Louis XIV, and was often performed in royal settings. Its most prominent composers include Jean-Philippe Rameau, Jean-Baptiste Lully, and François Couperin. (AI Generated)

Most popular french baroque artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of French Baroque genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

1990s 2
1993 2
2 releases

french baroque playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular french baroque music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular french baroque Songs

Top New french baroque Songs of 2024

Most popular french baroque albums

Conversations En Musique: Chamber Music In 18th Century France (Conversations En Musique: Musique De
Les Foiles D'espagne & Tombeau for Lully and for Ste. Colombe

french baroque music by decade

Explore french baroque history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of french baroque artists

Here is a list of french baroque artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the french baroque genre. You can find out what french baroque genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 64878
2 38 21227
3 38 33846
4 34 4147
5 30 8219
6 30 4095
7 20 1210
8 26 1022
9 24 9975
10 23 901
11 13 430
12 19 1744
13 19 4340
14 18 856
15 18 572
16 17 1163
17 14 666
18 16 2398
19 15 407
20 15 1294
21 13 527
22 12 651
23 12 355
24 12 685
25 8 494
26 11 611
27 4 433
28 10 351
29 9 635
30 8 422
31 6 992
32 3 166
33 1 169
34 24 2229
35 26 1340
36 17 706
37 20 371
38 19 413
39 15 572
40 6 188
41 12 331
42 12 280
43 12 296
44 11 89
45 11 269
46 11 359
47 9 72
48 2 29
49 9 132
50 9 167
51 8 628
52 8 292
53 8 144
54 7 158
55 6 77
56 7 153
57 6 155
58 6 125
59 5 133
60 5 128
61 5 125
62 5 199
63 4 48
64 4 79
65 4 155
66 4 182
67 4 228
68 4 33
69 4 130
70 3 212
71 3 46
72 3 153
73 3 41
74 3 150
75 3 399
76 3 21
77 2 118
78 2 178
79 2 51
80 2 76
81 2 40
82 2 150
83 2 22
84 2 39
85 2 33
86 1 16
87 1 70
88 1 42
89 1 77
90 1 65
91 1 54
92 1 16
93 1 35
94 1 22
95 1 30
96 1 62
97 1 47
98 1 19
99 1 48
100 1 29