
Genre french house

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French house music is a vibrant and rhythmic subgenre of house music that emerged in the 1990s in France. It is characterized by its use of disco and funk samples, filtered effects, and a signature "filter house" sound that creates a warm and uplifting vibe. The genre often features looped grooves, catchy melodies, and a distinctively smooth, hypnotic flow that makes it ideal for both dancing and casual listening. French house played a significant role in popularizing house music in Europe and beyond, blending electronic beats with vintage influences for a timeless appeal. (AI Generated)

Most popular french house artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of French House genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1721
2025 4
2024 325
2023 461
2022 321
2021 317
2020 293
2010s 1829
2019 266
2018 240
2017 189
2016 200
2015 150
2014 172
2013 180
2012 143
2011 158
2010 131
2000s 849
2009 118
2008 101
2007 114
2006 98
2005 88
2004 75
2003 84
2002 46
2001 69
2000 56
1990s 313
1999 47
1998 59
1997 41
1996 38
1995 24
1994 23
1993 20
1992 23
1991 16
1990 22
1980s 179
1989 22
1988 24
1987 18
1986 17
1985 16
1984 24
1983 13
1982 13
1981 16
1980 16
1970s 104
1979 16
1978 10
1977 11
1976 16
1975 14
1974 10
1973 6
1972 10
1971 10
1970 1
1960s 54
1969 9
1968 8
1967 3
1966 7
1965 3
1964 8
1963 5
1962 2
1961 5
1960 4
1950s 8
1959 1
1958 3
1957 1
1954 1
1953 1
1952 1
5057 releases

french house playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular french house music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular french house Songs

Top New french house Songs of 2024

french house music by decade

Explore french house history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of french house artists

Here is a list of french house artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the french house genre. You can find out what french house genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 61 282211
2 60 1216239
3 60 1088148
4 60 1363861
5 60 916852
6 60 876544
7 59 1425368
8 58 980408
9 58 882931
10 57 833302
11 57 247352
12 57 337712
13 57 449053
14 57 550836
15 56 595261
16 56 571420
17 56 519252
18 56 226567
19 54 590062
20 54 311705
21 54 444850
22 54 378135
23 54 564919
24 53 899286
25 53 337865
26 53 384841
27 53 312528
28 52 536190
29 52 167580
30 52 62266
31 52 366756
32 51 549720
33 51 486715
34 51 432879
35 49 273330
36 50 209459
37 49 176047
38 48 252758
39 49 30692
40 49 165038
41 49 394137
42 49 284223
43 48 231282
44 48 291342
45 47 70871
46 47 157593
47 47 300731
48 47 183391
49 46 103462
50 46 191305
51 46 141381
52 46 109277
53 46 118887
54 61 781984
55 57 153068
56 52 677523
57 49 471237
58 51 519858
59 51 8879
60 63 669272
61 60 213090
62 57 281466
63 57 560927
64 57 312892
65 50 82535
66 49 119329
67 49 183468
68 48 55146
69 47 44187
70 46 8766
71 80 10454816
72 70 682639
73 70 1324921
74 63 245537
75 61 40151
76 65 73106
77 63 1000003
78 62 1049816
79 56 184830
80 62 1182891
81 60 36287
82 60 820788
83 54 47156
84 60 19096
85 60 88060
86 52 462845
87 52 325018
88 48 61456
89 56 242277
90 50 6565
91 47 32777
92 47 18204
93 47 225289
94 48 125348
95 51 246436
96 50 105435
97 47 253252
98 46 140254
99 47 33686
100 47 2795