
Genre: funk 150 bpm

Play genre

Funk 150 bpm is a high-energy music genre that originated in Brazil and is characterized by its fast-paced beats and catchy melodies. It often features electronic and percussive elements, as well as vocals that are typically delivered in a rapid-fire style. This genre has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among young audiences, and is often associated with dance parties and nightlife.

Most popular funk 150 bpm artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Funk 150 Bpm genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 186
2024 22
2023 42
2022 37
2021 41
2020 44
2010s 89
2019 49
2018 28
2017 3
2016 2
2015 3
2014 4
2000s 2
2009 1
2007 1
277 releases

Popular funk 150 bpm Songs

Top New funk 150 bpm Songs of 2024

funk 150 bpm music by decade

Explore funk 150 bpm history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of funk 150 bpm artists

Here is a list of funk 150 bpm artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the funk 150 bpm genre. You can find out what funk 150 bpm genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 73 3041385
2 70 573601
3 54 178469
4 63 34574
5 55 88223
6 56 17440
7 55 8386
8 51 331832
9 54 4175
10 50 15559
11 44 40824
12 53 11436
13 43 257368
14 51 6888
15 50 23352
16 49 4691
17 49 13582
18 46 14088
19 47 79968
20 47 2552
21 46 3163
22 39 9572
23 45 984
24 36 6328
25 38 2266
26 28 4476
27 35 75409
28 41 6431
29 40 2758
30 40 1606
31 40 1513
32 39 2334
33 38 14734
34 35 10340
35 34 4299
36 33 4620
37 32 53379
38 32 21757
39 31 17755
40 31 1137
41 30 2790
42 30 43442
43 29 629
44 28 3998
45 28 12351
46 27 40229
47 27 3409
48 24 2089
49 25 3442
50 23 243
51 23 3590
52 21 2040
53 21 33298
54 18 5565
55 14 273
56 12 869
57 7 1046
58 7 2305
59 5 210
60 4 1853
61 4 166
62 3 3630
63 2 253
64 2 72
65 1 30

funk 150 bpm playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular funk 150 bpm music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.