
Genre: funk consciente

Play genre

Funk consciente is a subgenre of Brazilian funk that focuses on socially conscious lyrics and themes. It often addresses issues such as poverty, violence, and inequality, and aims to raise awareness and promote change through music. The genre typically features a mix of funk beats and rap-style vocals, and has gained popularity in recent years among young audiences in Brazil.

Most popular funk consciente artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Funk Consciente genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 481
2024 14
2023 65
2022 70
2021 140
2020 192
2010s 413
2019 162
2018 96
2017 97
2016 38
2015 10
2014 7
2012 1
2011 1
2010 1
2000s 2
2009 1
2006 1
896 releases

Popular funk consciente Songs

Top New funk consciente Songs of 2024

funk consciente music by decade

Explore funk consciente history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of funk consciente artists

Here is a list of funk consciente artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the funk consciente genre. You can find out what funk consciente genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 82 6156436
2 77 6484473
3 74 1535665
4 58 3330290
5 80 3166780
6 55 693513
7 66 2127008
8 57 1418682
9 45 1233561
10 76 1295522
11 52 113486
12 73 1623223
13 49 717550
14 71 2094823
15 58 153336
16 68 1499656
17 65 1057781
18 60 227080
19 58 209256
20 45 117847
21 53 460152
22 51 12677
23 50 287957
24 41 251852
25 76 8153696
26 65 1471533
27 68 249117
28 77 684960
29 42 128795
30 42 243958
31 41 415938
32 28 83886
33 71 532382
34 70 991895
35 59 46073
36 34 123781
37 67 269262
38 66 358760
39 53 169540
40 42 113970
41 55 57442
42 63 23090
43 25 2530
44 59 513565
45 53 12959
46 15 1377
47 15 14646
48 47 2071
49 34 23537
50 45 81874
51 10 6574
52 44 2836
53 40 98370
54 5 2366
55 5 1925
56 39 16610
57 38 10052
58 32 9697
59 32 2384
60 30 1920
61 31 1539
62 29 5435
63 29 14022
64 25 934
65 22 15310
66 22 228734
67 20 2473
68 18 1060
69 17 672
70 16 18660
71 15 1564
72 15 222
73 13 538
74 13 154
75 1 748
76 12 1361
77 10 275
78 10 1118
79 10 1089
80 9 243
81 6 72
82 3 48
83 3 396
84 2 124
85 1 57
86 1 25

funk consciente playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular funk consciente music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.