
Genre: future bass

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

Future bass is a subgenre of electronic dance music that combines elements of trap, hip hop, and pop with heavy use of synths and vocal chops. It is characterized by its upbeat and melodic sound, often featuring pitched-up vocals and a bouncy, energetic rhythm. Future bass tracks typically have a dreamy and atmospheric feel, with a focus on creating a euphoric and emotional experience for the listener. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists incorporating their own unique styles and influences into the sound.

Most popular future bass artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Drum Machine, Sampler, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer, Horn Section

Popular future bass Songs

Top New future bass Songs of 2024

future bass music by decade

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2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of future bass artists

Here is a list of future bass artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the future bass genre. You can find out what future bass genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 53 220089
2 40 47294
3 44 144786
4 54 159104
5 48 128532
6 40 31783
7 45 86974
8 42 74358
9 36 58130
10 54 141286
11 41 39418
12 40 36725
13 40 26486
14 40 69268
15 51 55738
16 51 119726
17 41 73020
18 43 100626
19 46 72641
20 44 115117
21 33 43826
22 34 25999
23 41 18550
24 41 48913
25 40 88956
26 39 27788
27 38 21920
28 38 33440
29 37 41948
30 55 687711
31 37 32220
32 36 22013
33 33 7192
34 31 6010
35 29 49282
36 31 6880
37 30 40219
38 29 24169
39 63 629120
40 28 19696
41 27 10499
42 26 13283
43 25 18176
44 25 14198
45 24 9137
46 24 12383
47 45 103672
48 46 98477
49 36 76593
50 37 35345
51 42 72155
52 38 24841
53 36 37120
54 32 37503
55 31 10594
56 51 7689
57 49 154304
58 36 37069
59 49 50173
60 48 93513
61 40 113353
62 46 80257
63 33 23618
64 33 40403
65 41 17620
66 41 23303
67 40 12956
68 40 18321
69 39 5386
70 29 11181
71 37 11075
72 35 29933
73 35 14600
74 37 12803
75 37 7215
76 36 6673
77 36 7875
78 35 5451
79 34 14639
80 33 24139
81 25 16465
82 34 18812
83 34 10161
84 34 11574
85 33 34463
86 31 6309
87 30 13198
88 29 10941
89 28 5801
90 28 9607
91 28 21170
92 28 3568
93 27 4148
94 27 5861
95 27 6289
96 26 15745
97 25 3083
98 25 8264
99 24 5072
100 24 11431

future bass playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular future bass music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.