
Genre: fvnky rimex

Play genre

Fvnky rimex music is a genre of electronic dance music characterized by upbeat and energetic remixes of popular songs. The music typically features heavy basslines, catchy melodies, and intricate production techniques. Fvnky rimex music is often played in clubs and at music festivals, and is known for its ability to get people dancing and having a good time. (AI Generated)

Most popular fvnky rimex artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Fvnky Rimex genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 8088
2024 757
2023 4425
2022 2366
2021 474
2020 66
2010s 20
2019 11
2018 4
2017 2
2014 1
2013 1
2012 1
2000s 4
2004 1
2003 2
2001 1
1990s 1
1999 1
8113 releases

Popular fvnky rimex Songs

Top New fvnky rimex Songs of 2024

fvnky rimex music by decade

Explore fvnky rimex history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of fvnky rimex artists

Here is a list of fvnky rimex artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the fvnky rimex genre. You can find out what fvnky rimex genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 163409
2 53 149211
3 63 259730
4 45 34787
5 57 32685
6 43 34527
7 43 30335
8 55 55672
9 54 26725
10 39 90629
11 39 31721
12 39 42922
13 53 19774
14 52 36486
15 52 31312
16 38 119794
17 52 39693
18 51 14630
19 37 64137
20 36 71101
21 50 25730
22 49 4542
23 35 20715
24 49 42269
25 35 63816
26 49 51810
27 34 109795
28 48 23557
29 47 13630
30 46 50222
31 46 46978
32 46 62330
33 46 34288
34 45 2662
35 45 28881
36 44 18107
37 44 4064
38 44 6483
39 44 76827
40 43 22474
41 43 22774
42 43 10347
43 43 26366
44 43 29687
45 43 3871
46 42 15356
47 42 5400
48 42 50426
49 42 24846
50 42 10937
51 42 2668
52 41 33919
53 41 66844
54 41 19873
55 41 48233
56 41 16891
57 41 21882
58 40 6656
59 40 59600
60 40 55296
61 40 28473
62 40 2889
63 40 18207
64 40 12661
65 40 47584
66 39 5941
67 39 36521
68 39 4320
69 39 2131
70 39 1572
71 39 55643
72 38 31350
73 37 3603
74 37 5712
75 37 31475
76 37 7546
77 37 12385
78 37 33908
79 36 23569
80 36 8385
81 35 21465
82 35 14748
83 35 59350
84 35 1620
85 35 21345
86 35 11361
87 35 2433
88 35 21993
89 35 46948
90 35 566
91 35 13596
92 35 39836
93 34 25497
94 34 7075
95 34 17587
96 34 3920
97 34 3409
98 34 21370
99 34 1627
100 34 10304

fvnky rimex playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular fvnky rimex music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.