
Genre: galego

Play genre

Galego music is a genre that originates from the Galicia region of Spain and is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as bagpipes, tambourines, and accordions. The music often features lyrics in the Galician language and draws inspiration from the region's rich cultural heritage. The genre has evolved over time to incorporate elements of rock, pop, and electronic music, resulting in a diverse range of sounds and styles. Some of the key themes explored in Galego music include love, nature, and social issues.

Most popular galego artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Galego genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 120
2024 11
2023 37
2022 35
2021 22
2020 15
2010s 110
2019 13
2018 15
2017 10
2016 14
2015 12
2014 10
2013 13
2012 8
2011 8
2010 7
2000s 33
2009 4
2008 9
2007 9
2006 4
2005 2
2003 1
2001 2
2000 2
1990s 14
1999 1
1997 2
1996 2
1995 3
1993 1
1992 4
1991 1
1970s 8
1979 1
1977 1
1976 1
1975 1
1974 1
1972 1
1970 2
285 releases

Popular galego Songs

Top New galego Songs of 2024

galego music by decade

Explore galego history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of galego artists

Here is a list of galego artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the galego genre. You can find out what galego genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 41 56826
2 20 6673
3 28 21262
4 31 13505
5 29 12069
6 23 8420
7 28 4297
8 16 4609
9 27 3016
10 21 5058
11 21 4710
12 18 4423
13 22 4521
14 22 1513
15 20 1100
16 19 5644
17 24 8182
18 43 21979
19 18 4429
20 14 2857
21 16 3311
22 15 1458
23 20 5502
24 14 1716
25 39 3417
26 13 1569
27 16 3388
28 10 1676
29 10 1774
30 15 3521
31 34 10993
32 6 2205
33 9 394
34 33 6275
35 8 709
36 8 1728
37 25 3732
38 7 283
39 12 892
40 20 3222
41 31 3460
42 5 251
43 4 1531
44 8 1952
45 27 688
46 19 1807
47 2 342
48 6 1620
49 5 2127
50 17 1305
51 4 916
52 3 1059
53 3 1060
54 3 569
55 20 2257
56 15 1089
57 15 411
58 11 4688
59 18 2754
60 17 2665
61 7 807
62 12 1595
63 6 701
64 5 566
65 5 606
66 12 2228
67 11 945
68 7 1382
69 10 719
70 11 755
71 10 326
72 10 290
73 10 2203
74 4 1012
75 9 578
76 9 619
77 9 852
78 8 1353
79 8 107
80 6 238
81 6 434
82 5 653
83 5 349
84 5 197
85 5 582
86 3 641
87 4 750
88 4 309
89 4 279
90 4 181
91 4 268
92 4 373
93 4 431
94 3 233
95 3 462
96 3 500
97 3 605
98 3 854
99 3 121
100 2 222

galego playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular galego music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.