
Genre german baroque

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German Baroque music is a genre characterized by ornate and complex compositions, often featuring intricate counterpoint and rich harmonies. This style emerged in the 17th century and was prominent in Germany, with composers creating works for both sacred and secular purposes. The music often features a strong sense of structure and organization, with clear themes and motifs woven throughout the pieces. The genre includes a variety of forms, including cantatas, sonatas, and suites. German Baroque music has had a lasting influence on classical music and continues to be celebrated today. (AI Generated)

Most popular german baroque artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of German Baroque genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2010s 2
2017 1
2011 1
2000s 1
2007 1
1990s 1
1991 1
4 releases

german baroque playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular german baroque music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular german baroque Songs

Top New german baroque Songs of 2024

german baroque music by decade

Explore german baroque history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of german baroque artists

Here is a list of german baroque artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the german baroque genre. You can find out what german baroque genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 183920
2 29 7928
3 30 6402
4 27 5519
5 34 5462
6 20 2041
7 14 1185
8 27 1851
9 20 916
10 20 569
11 25 2083
12 14 584
13 22 460
14 21 1217
15 11 763
16 12 1338
17 20 909
18 18 3277
19 17 913
20 14 2006
21 14 698
22 13 435
23 13 1327
24 12 681
25 11 866
26 11 331
27 11 916
28 2 391
29 9 436
30 9 693
31 9 952
32 6 613
33 6 583
34 6 543
35 5 241
36 21 542
37 5 293
38 12 184
39 19 321
40 8 323
41 17 64
42 8 119
43 13 62918
44 14 432
45 4 52
46 4 304
47 13 331
48 12 287
49 3 31
50 11 114
51 2 53
52 3 122
53 1 48
54 9 275
55 9 76
56 9 370
57 8 287
58 8 241
59 8 128
60 8 143
61 7 14
62 6 120
63 6 327
64 6 129
65 6 156
66 6 120
67 5 251
68 5 127
69 5 127
70 5 179
71 5 226
72 5 225
73 4 130
74 4 54
75 3 19
76 3 99
77 3 36
78 3 21
79 3 6
80 3 140
81 3 95
82 2 55
83 2 100
84 2 203
85 2 86
86 2 111
87 2 104
88 2 35
89 2 9
90 2 111
91 2 110
92 1 43
93 1 7
94 1 61
95 1 3
96 1 19
97 1 138
98 1 55
99 1 7
100 1 32