
Genre german hip hop

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German hip hop is a subgenre of hip hop music that emerged in Germany in the 1980s. It is characterized by its unique blend of German language and American hip hop beats, with lyrics that often touch on social and political issues. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a new generation of artists bringing fresh energy and style to the scene. The music often features hard-hitting beats, catchy hooks, and lyrics that reflect the experiences of young people growing up in modern Germany. (AI Generated)

Most popular german hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of German Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 12272
2025 46
2024 2222
2023 3346
2022 2574
2021 2115
2020 1969
2010s 3918
2019 1321
2018 869
2017 485
2016 316
2015 263
2014 215
2013 163
2012 118
2011 85
2010 83
2000s 434
2009 71
2008 67
2007 65
2006 52
2005 41
2004 35
2003 27
2002 20
2001 27
2000 29
1990s 53
1999 15
1998 15
1997 6
1996 5
1995 4
1994 2
1993 1
1992 3
1991 2
16677 releases

german hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular german hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular german hip hop Songs

Top New german hip hop Songs of 2024

german hip hop music by decade

Explore german hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of german hip hop artists

Here is a list of german hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the german hip hop genre. You can find out what german hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 70 857346
2 70 2515733
3 70 1918416
4 69 2652998
5 67 1009661
6 65 294583
7 65 1228602
8 75 2379250
9 74 2308864
10 63 1499224
11 72 3157736
12 61 167701
13 72 974215
14 72 481017
15 70 1978462
16 71 1487904
17 71 1798620
18 60 211096
19 60 81682
20 70 628053
21 69 1570711
22 69 1246185
23 69 529356
24 69 263480
25 68 391343
26 68 188241
27 65 2116193
28 67 182022
29 67 1108340
30 67 511064
31 67 399154
32 67 2447819
33 67 1441587
34 66 170820
35 66 740426
36 66 4308430
37 66 1127287
38 66 340426
39 65 387331
40 65 1422732
41 65 136974
42 65 1338066
43 65 98938
44 65 126655
45 64 184719
46 64 369634
47 62 793920
48 63 231634
49 63 453430
50 63 202656
51 63 1032356
52 63 347698
53 63 71526
54 63 57611
55 63 778462
56 63 938529
57 63 631166
58 62 95685
59 62 111540
60 62 165094
61 62 485608
62 62 967741
63 62 858323
64 62 172602
65 62 485464
66 61 347348
67 61 101753
68 61 941985
69 61 1190284
70 61 848911
71 61 26515
72 61 70797
73 61 900563
74 61 1243742
75 60 76336
76 60 1506529
77 60 196389
78 60 218731
79 60 160780
80 60 438368
81 60 105248
82 60 94411
83 60 638916
84 60 62555
85 59 271618
86 59 341906
87 59 135537
88 59 76708
89 59 539852
90 59 105996
91 59 446612
92 59 74527
93 59 59763
94 58 508544
95 58 34576
96 58 211869
97 58 74469
98 58 18477
99 58 1022955
100 58 65327