
Genre: german show tunes

Play genre

German show tunes is a musical genre that features theatrical and dramatic compositions with a strong emphasis on storytelling. The music is often characterized by powerful vocals, intricate melodies, and orchestral arrangements. It is commonly associated with musical theater productions and has gained popularity in Germany and beyond. The genre has produced many talented performers who have become known for their ability to bring these songs to life on stage.

Most popular german show tunes artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of German Show Tunes genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 42
2024 3
2023 13
2022 10
2021 10
2020 6
2010s 83
2019 11
2018 6
2017 15
2016 6
2015 8
2014 10
2013 7
2012 4
2011 9
2010 7
2000s 37
2009 8
2008 5
2007 4
2006 4
2005 5
2004 5
2002 2
2001 3
2000 1
1990s 20
1999 3
1998 4
1997 2
1996 2
1995 3
1994 1
1993 2
1992 1
1991 2
1980s 2
1984 1
1981 1
184 releases

Popular german show tunes Songs

Top New german show tunes Songs of 2024

Most popular german show tunes albums

Die Eiskönigin Völlig Unverfroren (Deutscher Original Film Soundtrack)
Frozen (Originele Nederlandstalige Soundtrack)
Das Farbenspiel des Winds (aus "Pocahontas")
Hatıran Yeter
Mulan (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack)
Endlich angekommen (aus "Disneys Hercules - Das heldenhafte Musical")
Die Schöne und das Biest (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack)
Die Eiskönigin 2 (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack/Deluxe Edition)

german show tunes music by decade

Explore german show tunes history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of german show tunes artists

Here is a list of german show tunes artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the german show tunes genre. You can find out what german show tunes genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 1038
2 54 4783
3 52 21598
4 51 100612
5 50 4636
6 43 5152
7 43 2904
8 42 6645
9 41 12392
10 40 3475
11 40 742
12 39 745
13 38 925
14 38 181
15 38 2128
16 38 1019
17 37 2786
18 36 3102
19 36 322
20 36 24533
21 36 4047
22 36 4651
23 35 1948
24 35 683
25 35 305
26 34 7650
27 33 1397
28 33 4681
29 32 833
30 31 5233
31 30 15820
32 30 5391
33 30 3118
34 30 2562
35 30 81
36 30 4022
37 29 1155
38 28 325
39 28 1988
40 28 214
41 27 5043
42 27 379
43 26 396
44 26 10954
45 26 980
46 25 438
47 25 299
48 25 3029
49 24 239
50 24 35
51 24 992
52 24 243
53 23 890
54 23 1010
55 23 547
56 23 293
57 23 1616
58 23 2645
59 22 785
60 22 135
61 22 140
62 22 224
63 22 652
64 22 1776
65 22 640
66 21 314
67 21 688
68 21 932
69 20 112
70 20 2105
71 20 199
72 20 135
73 20 992
74 20 395
75 20 544
76 20 421
77 20 1134
78 19 213
79 19 370
80 19 569
81 19 901
82 19 256
83 19 351
84 19 211
85 18 650
86 18 233
87 18 464
88 18 1260
89 18 370
90 17 130
91 17 704
92 16 531
93 15 138
94 15 23
95 15 221
96 15 402
97 14 1049
98 14 188
99 14 128
100 14 158

german show tunes playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular german show tunes music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.