
Genre: german thrash metal

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

German thrash metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in the 1980s in Germany. It is characterized by fast-paced, aggressive guitar riffs, pounding drums, and harsh vocals. The lyrics often deal with social and political issues, as well as themes of war and violence. Bands in this genre are known for their technical proficiency and intense live performances.

Most popular german thrash metal artists

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Popular german thrash metal Songs

Top New german thrash metal Songs of 2024

german thrash metal music by decade

Explore german thrash metal history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of german thrash metal artists

Here is a list of german thrash metal artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the german thrash metal genre. You can find out what german thrash metal genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 451106
2 53 749758
3 24 50063
4 36 271289
5 35 146423
6 29 25132
7 24 17757
8 10 4190
9 10 2363
10 9 8922
11 14 13036
12 19 31049
13 18 20464
14 2 1508
15 14 25661
16 24 13843
17 23 16845
18 8 6475
19 13 10939
20 14 13068
21 14 6476
22 14 5982
23 27 8433
24 13 1758
25 12 2185
26 11 3654
27 11 2278
28 20 19026
29 10 9115
30 8 3115
31 8 4557
32 7 4887
33 7 2623
34 7 5326
35 23 16601
36 6 5473
37 5 6713
38 5 3642
39 5 2348
40 5 2187
41 2 1218
42 15 17466
43 1 739
44 1 851
45 1 976
46 1 2482
47 16 6474
48 12 6949
49 13 4147
50 13 6366
51 11 3110
52 7 1033
53 9 3902
54 2 2703
55 8 3222
56 4 371
57 4 1280
58 4 2085
59 6 873
60 6 348
61 6 1821
62 6 678
63 6 701
64 5 2138
65 5 2295
66 3 989
67 5 861
68 5 833
69 5 505
70 4 1093
71 2 1942
72 3 643
73 3 579
74 3 410
75 3 361
76 3 217
77 3 1138
78 2 717
79 2 1023
80 2 202
81 2 65
82 2 218
83 2 737
84 2 156
85 1 613
86 1 517
87 1 394
88 1 306
89 1 445
90 1 403
91 1 193
92 1 486
93 1 362
94 1 147
95 1 159
96 1 516
97 1 547

german thrash metal playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular german thrash metal music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.