
Genre gothic country

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Gothic country music is a subgenre that blends traditional country elements with dark, atmospheric themes, often exploring topics like mortality, isolation, and the supernatural. It typically features haunting melodies, eerie instrumentation, and storytelling lyrics that paint vivid, sometimes unsettling scenes. This genre creates a moody, reflective soundscape, offering a fresh, introspective twist on classic country music narratives. (AI Generated)

Most popular gothic country artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Gothic Country genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1688
2025 7
2024 343
2023 476
2022 321
2021 266
2020 275
2010s 1604
2019 239
2018 215
2017 187
2016 177
2015 156
2014 145
2013 149
2012 129
2011 109
2010 98
2000s 401
2009 79
2008 71
2007 68
2006 43
2005 36
2004 25
2003 33
2002 19
2001 15
2000 12
1990s 42
1999 10
1998 5
1997 4
1996 5
1995 5
1994 7
1993 2
1992 3
1990 1
1980s 5
1989 2
1987 1
1986 2
1970s 2
1979 1
1977 1
1960s 1
1964 1
1950s 2
1957 1
1955 1
3745 releases

gothic country playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular gothic country music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular gothic country Songs

Top New gothic country Songs of 2024

gothic country music by decade

Explore gothic country history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of gothic country artists

Here is a list of gothic country artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the gothic country genre. You can find out what gothic country genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 355423
2 35 49309
3 40 26766
4 68 1475501
5 34 52790
6 59 401284
7 42 98541
8 34 63002
9 42 131070
10 36 57060
11 34 27717
12 37 25283
13 46 41861
14 41 65866
15 44 123307
16 46 70926
17 50 94027
18 35 95776
19 38 85013
20 50 141734
21 37 11599
22 40 48624
23 35 52123
24 48 60454
25 47 70232
26 37 60724
27 42 66040
28 38 20481
29 36 39988
30 58 839192
31 36 45209
32 62 183834
33 36 22042
34 49 184598
35 35 71748
36 36 54140
37 38 14209
38 49 94009
39 36 5571
40 37 112720
41 41 91468
42 48 155457
43 50 570371
44 35 12143
45 64 547056
46 43 52489
47 61 576527
48 47 162484
49 47 70771
50 34 67925
51 42 168441
52 45 63386
53 55 568582
54 41 106292
55 54 383385
56 34 16551
57 41 66581
58 51 87322
59 40 3345
60 51 60042
61 50 304436
62 48 271927
63 48 133591
64 47 190204
65 47 70771
66 46 28299
67 45 112047
68 45 18099
69 35 19341
70 40 12484
71 43 31173
72 39 57313
73 41 95873
74 34 25325
75 41 22804
76 41 37302
77 41 55282
78 41 72099
79 40 24246
80 40 45443
81 40 37514
82 40 12424
83 39 14985
84 39 51481
85 39 21254
86 34 64954
87 38 49857
88 38 51031
89 37 59483
90 37 7092
91 37 20895
92 36 1348
93 36 28934
94 36 10316
95 36 4375
96 36 8149
97 34 70627
98 35 5944
99 35 2943
100 35 20500