
Genre: gqom

Play genre

Gqom is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in South Africa. It is characterized by its heavy basslines, fast-paced rhythms, and minimalistic sound. The genre often incorporates elements of traditional African music and features repetitive vocal samples. Gqom has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the Durban area of South Africa. (AI Generated)

Most popular gqom artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Gqom genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 273
2024 21
2023 100
2022 61
2021 54
2020 37
2010s 58
2019 25
2018 15
2017 7
2016 8
2015 1
2013 2
331 releases

Popular gqom Songs

Top New gqom Songs of 2024

gqom music by decade

Explore gqom history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of gqom artists

Here is a list of gqom artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the gqom genre. You can find out what gqom genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 109960
2 48 481073
3 58 633696
4 46 303504
5 40 227676
6 39 271442
7 49 22391
8 48 54994
9 45 109844
10 36 233379
11 47 44932
12 44 79975
13 27 95835
14 38 65044
15 38 56479
16 36 29857
17 35 35749
18 35 1743
19 34 7017
20 31 24141
21 33 25175
22 32 957
23 32 15678
24 31 26822
25 27 13747
26 30 36585
27 30 19827
28 29 18770
29 29 29820
30 29 6935
31 29 15587
32 27 9032
33 27 4203
34 27 9290
35 27 5408
36 27 9037
37 27 5702
38 26 10617
39 26 6541
40 26 13054
41 25 677
42 25 6223
43 24 10364
44 24 12257
45 24 10752
46 24 9917
47 24 7852
48 22 25732
49 23 6762
50 23 18009
51 23 10063
52 23 6926
53 22 3049
54 21 22277
55 20 3996
56 20 4915
57 20 1506
58 20 10759
59 20 13184
60 20 2489
61 17 10148
62 19 9688
63 19 5473
64 18 800
65 18 2844
66 16 2957
67 16 7757
68 16 5599
69 16 8522
70 15 1185
71 15 1312
72 15 1994
73 15 5436
74 15 2055
75 14 879
76 14 1310
77 14 1619
78 13 9295
79 12 5820
80 12 1714
81 11 2199
82 11 642
83 11 2260
84 11 3495
85 11 1344
86 11 996
87 10 6115
88 10 500
89 10 3940
90 9 418
91 9 4706
92 9 1711
93 9 1934
94 9 2651
95 9 600
96 9 516
97 8 675
98 8 1400
99 8 4623
100 8 580

gqom playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular gqom music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.