
Genre: gregorian chant

Play genre

Gregorian chant is a form of medieval plainchant that originated in the Catholic Church. It is characterized by a monophonic melody sung in unison by a choir of male voices, typically monks. The music is often sung in Latin and is intended to be meditative and contemplative. The genre has been preserved and performed by various religious orders throughout history, including the Monks of the Abbey of Notre Dame and Dom Le Feuvre.

Most popular gregorian chant artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Gregorian Chant genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 71
2024 5
2023 21
2022 15
2021 26
2020 4
2010s 72
2019 7
2018 3
2017 7
2016 8
2015 8
2014 4
2013 4
2012 10
2011 8
2010 13
2000s 59
2009 8
2008 7
2007 4
2006 6
2005 11
2004 4
2003 5
2002 7
2001 4
2000 3
1990s 34
1999 4
1998 1
1997 9
1995 11
1994 4
1993 2
1990 3
1980s 1
1983 1
1970s 2
1976 1
1973 1
1960s 1
1965 1
240 releases

Popular gregorian chant Songs

Top New gregorian chant Songs of 2024

gregorian chant music by decade

Explore gregorian chant history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of gregorian chant artists

Here is a list of gregorian chant artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the gregorian chant genre. You can find out what gregorian chant genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 81058
2 48 27604
3 46 37829
4 44 266
5 42 4202
6 42 1663
7 42 705
8 41 795
9 41 5229
10 41 1218
11 41 807
12 41 6101
13 41 21428
14 41 6452
15 39 1443
16 40 36985
17 40 1498
18 40 1090
19 40 2022
20 40 480
21 40 1180
22 39 3135
23 38 2918
24 38 1590
25 38 1018
26 36 6740
27 34 5384
28 31 2491
29 37 7823
30 37 1718
31 36 795
32 36 5253
33 35 823
34 35 3578
35 31 3790
36 34 4448
37 34 4626
38 32 2970
39 33 689
40 33 972
41 33 1140
42 33 2691
43 32 418
44 31 3756
45 30 1517
46 30 1753
47 30 462
48 30 1546
49 30 206
50 29 4584
51 29 859
52 29 414
53 29 8832
54 29 245
55 28 5489
56 28 165
57 28 243
58 28 361
59 28 7886
60 28 3665
61 24 182
62 24 844
63 25 150
64 27 1629
65 27 633
66 27 1300
67 25 2185
68 22 1552
69 26 777
70 26 236
71 26 1455
72 26 1260
73 26 235
74 26 671
75 26 506
76 25 461
77 25 107
78 22 554
79 22 286
80 24 1922
81 24 1290
82 24 375
83 24 1008
84 24 251
85 24 1625
86 22 1753
87 23 10
88 23 353
89 23 259
90 23 1177
91 21 558
92 22 270
93 22 469
94 22 77
95 22 1572
96 22 3215
97 21 1918
98 21 367
99 21 550
100 20 268

gregorian chant playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular gregorian chant music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.