
Genre: grime

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

Grime is a British music genre that emerged in the early 2000s. It is characterized by fast-paced, aggressive beats and lyrics that often address social and political issues. The genre is heavily influenced by UK garage, dancehall, and hip-hop. Grime has gained mainstream popularity in recent years, with artists often collaborating with mainstream musicians. It is known for its energetic live performances and has become a symbol of British youth culture.

Most popular grime artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Synthesizer, Bass Guitar, Drum Machine, Sampler, Turntables, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit

Popular grime Songs

Top New grime Songs of 2024

grime music by decade

Explore grime history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of grime artists

Here is a list of grime artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the grime genre. You can find out what grime genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 1268792
2 66 1238682
3 51 219032
4 56 498230
5 54 338478
6 63 497893
7 56 429283
8 70 2899620
9 55 365050
10 67 1288615
11 58 461197
12 55 422928
13 51 312864
14 54 466020
15 54 309968
16 46 136929
17 45 307966
18 53 392063
19 52 207398
20 62 848965
21 55 340337
22 46 147188
23 47 57142
24 59 118287
25 55 348306
26 49 109105
27 49 60392
28 55 478793
29 54 160935
30 47 65336
31 53 204213
32 44 89992
33 51 258643
34 48 176915
35 51 332289
36 51 332837
37 47 76177
38 50 106651
39 49 75911
40 47 163898
41 45 133915
42 45 157998
43 37 42741
44 37 121898
45 43 56641
46 42 34939
47 42 69846
48 42 173767
49 41 42154
50 36 104588
51 33 18061
52 38 83967
53 37 50279
54 36 30388
55 33 35781
56 33 21079
57 32 33599
58 51 29601
59 61 472440
60 64 831201
61 66 89756
62 50 81144
63 55 198157
64 41 89263
65 55 7050
66 42 16021
67 51 280420
68 52 319872
69 51 23591
70 43 39983
71 47 341548
72 47 6921
73 42 37442
74 39 63939
75 35 18831
76 45 187839
77 33 22332
78 36 3793
79 33 8402
80 43 173929
81 43 42491
82 39 11424
83 39 82814
84 40 63787
85 34 20474
86 33 12814
87 36 15993
88 40 73887
89 39 69922
90 39 34639
91 39 50631
92 37 20634
93 33 23972
94 37 16545
95 36 39751
96 35 29728
97 34 31375
98 34 3534
99 33 11130
100 32 10638

grime playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular grime music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.