
Genre: guadalajara indie

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Parent Genre: latin

Guadalajara indie music is a genre that blends elements of rock, pop, and electronic music to create a unique sound. The music is characterized by its introspective lyrics, dreamy melodies, and experimental instrumentation. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many up-and-coming artists emerging from the Guadalajara music scene.

Most popular guadalajara indie artists

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Related instruments

Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Piano, Horn Section, Keyboard, Double Bass, Percussion, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica

Popular guadalajara indie Songs

Top New guadalajara indie Songs of 2024

guadalajara indie music by decade

Explore guadalajara indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of guadalajara indie artists

Here is a list of guadalajara indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the guadalajara indie genre. You can find out what guadalajara indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 374449
2 49 241409
3 66 804950
4 67 875942
5 41 118123
6 39 157027
7 48 107746
8 42 5176
9 42 26055
10 42 4412
11 41 724
12 41 5607
13 26 35512
14 23 8502
15 34 32513
16 32 44412
17 34 17579
18 30 42915
19 29 11923
20 29 5261
21 16 5523
22 27 9089
23 27 9189
24 22 13162
25 26 9015
26 17 6645
27 13 4703
28 20 7437
29 20 5397
30 15 4241
31 16 2315
32 15 1049
33 14 2974
34 14 1647
35 13 3350
36 13 3493
37 12 1698
38 12 1993
39 12 3636
40 11 1727
41 9 5122
42 8 575
43 8 1744
44 8 1611
45 8 3818
46 5 448
47 6 2500
48 4 1690
49 5 931
50 5 2232
51 1 271
52 6 0
53 6 1717
54 5 1102
55 5 1286
56 2 1908
57 2 461
58 2 623
59 2 1985
60 4 407
61 4 908
62 4 1347
63 4 782
64 3 1440
65 3 452
66 3 496
67 3 563
68 3 759
69 3 578
70 2 348
71 2 701
72 2 584
73 2 705
74 1 606
75 1 77
76 1 398
77 1 391
78 1 475
79 1 514
80 1 237
81 1 500
82 1 476
83 1 471

guadalajara indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular guadalajara indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.