
Genre guaracha

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Guaracha is a popular Latin American music genre that originated in Cuba in the early 20th century. It is characterized by its fast-paced rhythm, lively beats, and energetic vocals. The genre has evolved over time and has been influenced by various music styles, including salsa, reggaeton, and electronic dance music. Today, guaracha is enjoyed by audiences worldwide and has produced many talented artists who continue to push the genre forward. (AI Generated)

Most popular guaracha artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Guaracha genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 6008
2025 12
2024 904
2023 2345
2022 1359
2021 804
2020 584
2010s 659
2019 264
2018 143
2017 46
2016 37
2015 47
2014 32
2013 31
2012 18
2011 23
2010 18
2000s 154
2009 15
2008 19
2007 32
2006 15
2005 11
2004 17
2003 18
2002 5
2001 13
2000 9
1990s 58
1999 8
1998 7
1997 15
1996 7
1995 7
1994 4
1993 2
1992 2
1991 3
1990 3
1980s 26
1989 4
1988 6
1987 3
1986 4
1984 2
1982 1
1981 3
1980 3
1970s 14
1978 3
1977 1
1976 1
1975 2
1974 1
1973 2
1972 1
1971 3
1960s 10
1969 2
1965 4
1964 1
1962 1
1961 1
1960 1
1950s 16
1959 1
1958 1
1957 7
1956 3
1955 1
1954 1
1953 1
1952 1
6945 releases

guaracha playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular guaracha music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular guaracha Songs

Top New guaracha Songs of 2024

guaracha music by decade

Explore guaracha history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of guaracha artists

Here is a list of guaracha artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the guaracha genre. You can find out what guaracha genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 80037
2 61 1092121
3 50 60410
4 64 1845987
5 50 624
6 58 367084
7 50 1632
8 58 17903
9 45 11301
10 61 102529
11 51 167656
12 66 679498
13 65 256725
14 63 503457
15 62 130459
16 61 528989
17 45 148767
18 55 259970
19 60 12269
20 58 17654
21 57 258961
22 57 192680
23 57 138952
24 56 127013
25 56 138985
26 55 98064
27 55 43604
28 55 6277
29 55 6894
30 55 643322
31 54 919072
32 52 192302
33 51 10276
34 51 63584
35 51 16197
36 49 2494
37 48 30017
38 48 20300
39 47 223001
40 47 54807
41 47 3434
42 46 23657
43 46 1308
44 46 4608
45 45 1822
46 45 38998
47 45 23521
48 44 19463
49 60 36421
50 69 1435169
51 65 428551
52 56 349821
53 54 246154
54 44 13920
55 50 13021
56 55 33429
57 47 118225
58 45 8261
59 47 142126
60 59 71205
61 51 52453
62 48 6839
63 56 234947
64 56 527146
65 51 168991
66 50 82214
67 51 184830
68 56 296495
69 45 47303
70 44 79451
71 44 45405
72 46 20563
73 49 19617
74 47 17978
75 58 626523
76 49 16799
77 57 34928
78 44 44621
79 50 57634
80 52 142545
81 45 5567
82 51 26267
83 44 19333
84 56 18274
85 46 22309
86 44 6908
87 45 7029
88 45 18441
89 48 11262
90 51 55666
91 44 2981
92 49 1738
93 46 83485
94 46 38509
95 44 14055
96 48 3186
97 47 5603
98 44 95983
99 46 16019
100 45 327