
Genre: gujarati garba

Play genre

Gujarati Garba music is a traditional folk music genre that originated in the state of Gujarat, India. It is characterized by its fast-paced rhythms, lively beats, and vibrant melodies. The music is often accompanied by dance, and is typically performed during the Navratri festival. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating modern elements and influences from other musical styles. Today, it is popular among both traditionalists and modern audiences, and is performed by a variety of artists.

Most popular gujarati garba artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Gujarati Garba genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1559
2024 104
2023 592
2022 394
2021 277
2020 192
2010s 366
2019 96
2018 74
2017 57
2016 46
2015 24
2014 19
2013 7
2012 11
2011 10
2010 22
2000s 115
2009 8
2008 10
2007 14
2006 13
2005 17
2004 8
2003 7
2002 11
2001 12
2000 15
1990s 48
1999 9
1998 8
1997 6
1996 4
1995 3
1994 9
1993 3
1992 2
1990 4
1980s 15
1989 1
1988 3
1987 6
1986 3
1985 2
1970s 3
1974 2
1970 1
1940s 1
1949 1
2107 releases

Popular gujarati garba Songs

Top New gujarati garba Songs of 2024

gujarati garba music by decade

Explore gujarati garba history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of gujarati garba artists

Here is a list of gujarati garba artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the gujarati garba genre. You can find out what gujarati garba genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 61 1072003
2 55 63359
3 54 173030
4 53 388766
5 52 447700
6 52 253619
7 51 296779
8 50 73915
9 50 459528
10 45 1550821
11 49 557097
12 48 120024
13 45 147477
14 44 55798
15 44 155835
16 44 206167
17 42 276779
18 37 61108
19 38 107198
20 37 179882
21 31 41341
22 53 325701
23 29 59487
24 29 86446
25 53 573201
26 27 100111
27 27 172535
28 49 467839
29 49 222832
30 45 76127
31 45 127500
32 44 167224
33 46 45320
34 46 444451
35 46 187868
36 46 52383
37 43 58401
38 45 57119
39 45 10324
40 44 92228
41 44 88318
42 43 6223
43 43 20078
44 43 41376
45 43 144969
46 43 125154
47 42 200093
48 42 3348
49 42 59753
50 41 5015
51 37 13739
52 40 294958
53 40 5532
54 39 15001
55 39 287638
56 38 18206
57 37 2030
58 36 6739
59 36 12131
60 35 32664
61 35 1269
62 35 48620
63 32 11680
64 34 2704
65 34 58826
66 34 6610
67 33 35175
68 33 24587
69 33 8934
70 33 1674
71 33 2125
72 33 2296
73 32 30249
74 32 145124
75 31 2402
76 31 28902
77 31 1044
78 31 78646
79 31 10728
80 30 619
81 30 22917
82 30 16566
83 30 4476
84 30 2254
85 30 24771
86 29 3388
87 29 131580
88 29 18324
89 28 4248
90 28 2566
91 28 65388
92 28 18994
93 28 5409
94 27 3959
95 27 15987
96 27 14211
97 27 44044
98 27 30621
99 26 19249
100 26 18194

gujarati garba playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular gujarati garba music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.