
Genre: hamburg electronic

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

Hamburg electronic music is a genre that combines elements of techno, house, and trance. It is characterized by fast-paced beats, heavy basslines, and energetic melodies. The music often features distorted vocals and samples from popular culture. Hamburg electronic music has a strong following in clubs and festivals around the world.

Most popular hamburg electronic artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit

Popular hamburg electronic Songs

Top New hamburg electronic Songs of 2024

hamburg electronic music by decade

Explore hamburg electronic history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hamburg electronic artists

Here is a list of hamburg electronic artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hamburg electronic genre. You can find out what hamburg electronic genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 822346
2 51 227070
3 58 938570
4 46 252310
5 54 93513
6 54 272656
7 38 96185
8 39 159365
9 47 66545
10 45 72300
11 40 201696
12 38 156113
13 47 110807
14 41 60551
15 27 14254
16 53 409240
17 41 104026
18 48 11097
19 44 40720
20 37 40552
21 51 7575
22 32 108158
23 40 64850
24 36 52560
25 41 35393
26 34 56245
27 42 5538
28 28 16631
29 39 38210
30 34 37831
31 30 2625
32 35 368
33 29 19023
34 19 8832
35 26 13707
36 28 1045
37 27 2734
38 25 3677
39 22 6011
40 21 2311
41 21 3533
42 20 4403
43 19 5271
44 20 1716
45 19 798
46 13 1309
47 12 4288
48 10 2402
49 14 2903
50 12 7096
51 15 2739
52 3 1157
53 13 4237
54 13 1367
55 12 3030
56 12 328
57 11 981
58 10 1833
59 9 2630
60 8 2069
61 8 411
62 7 720
63 6 1037
64 6 2416
65 6 2208
66 6 918
67 6 413
68 6 1252
69 5 2827
70 4 297
71 4 852
72 4 290
73 4 243
74 4 822
75 3 827
76 2 292
77 2 174
78 2 181
79 2 528
80 2 94
81 2 287
82 2 400
83 2 162
84 2 738
85 1 90
86 1 74
87 1 98
88 1 125
89 1 209
90 1 129

hamburg electronic playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hamburg electronic music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.