
Genre: hard alternative

Play genre

This genre of music is characterized by heavy guitar riffs, aggressive vocals, and intense drumming. The lyrics often deal with themes of struggle, pain, and overcoming adversity. The sound is a fusion of hard rock and alternative music, with elements of metal and punk. The music is high-energy and cathartic, with a focus on raw emotion and powerful instrumentation. Fans of this genre are drawn to the intensity and authenticity of the music, and often find solace and empowerment in the lyrics.

Most popular hard alternative artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hard Alternative genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 86
2024 15
2023 15
2022 12
2021 21
2020 23
2010s 246
2019 23
2018 13
2017 15
2016 17
2015 20
2014 15
2013 29
2012 41
2011 42
2010 31
2000s 138
2009 30
2008 22
2007 24
2006 16
2005 13
2004 9
2003 9
2002 6
2001 6
2000 3
1990s 2
1999 1
1998 1
472 releases

Popular hard alternative Songs

Top New hard alternative Songs of 2024

hard alternative music by decade

Explore hard alternative history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hard alternative artists

Here is a list of hard alternative artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hard alternative genre. You can find out what hard alternative genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 38 34503
2 43 49252
3 41 57441
4 42 20911
5 37 44528
6 22 6334
7 34 18442
8 18 8096
9 33 15243
10 31 24266
11 32 11706
12 30 31743
13 30 9873
14 30 15209
15 30 22986
16 30 16748
17 29 21966
18 28 14340
19 27 12211
20 27 9538
21 26 27107
22 25 15144
23 12 4295
24 25 13216
25 24 11376
26 24 26579
27 11 3533
28 24 8949
29 23 16187
30 22 14503
31 22 6394
32 22 4180
33 21 8227
34 21 10845
35 20 4781
36 20 10006
37 19 7531
38 19 4643
39 19 7698
40 18 2548
41 15 2010
42 17 6293
43 17 4465
44 15 3605
45 11 5453
46 11 5252
47 10 3694
48 39 73181
49 35 47787
50 24 20648
51 27 5512
52 33 33685
53 28 18600
54 27 36542
55 25 29381
56 31 19863
57 30 23324
58 20 6126
59 30 56797
60 25 12948
61 23 35186
62 23 4459
63 27 25883
64 28 23142
65 21 5400
66 29 19183
67 33 19116
68 15 3447
69 21 15664
70 19 14001
71 32 16708
72 31 17953
73 27 21653
74 29 16209
75 27 10277
76 27 13707
77 25 6244
78 26 12424
79 21 12997
80 25 9684
81 22 6019
82 22 7193
83 10 4658
84 12 3153
85 19 16109
86 18 8649
87 18 3421
88 17 4647
89 17 25247
90 13 4039
91 12 3732
92 16 6891
93 16 10230
94 15 3162
95 15 5317
96 15 4038
97 13 4185
98 13 4346
99 11 1505
100 10 3550

hard alternative playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hard alternative music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.