
Genre: hardtekk

Play genre

Hardtekk is a subgenre of techno music that originated in Germany in the early 2000s. It is characterized by fast and aggressive beats, distorted basslines, and repetitive melodies. The genre often features samples from rave and hardcore tracks, as well as industrial and hardstyle influences. Hardtekk is popular in the underground techno scene and is often associated with the free party movement. Akros, Maltorian, and Floerk are all artists who produce hardtekk music.

Most popular hardtekk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hardtekk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 950
2024 123
2023 280
2022 212
2021 151
2020 184
2010s 46
2019 14
2018 21
2017 3
2016 2
2015 3
2014 3
996 releases

Popular hardtekk Songs

Top New hardtekk Songs of 2024

hardtekk music by decade

Explore hardtekk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hardtekk artists

Here is a list of hardtekk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hardtekk genre. You can find out what hardtekk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 43579
2 49 94206
3 47 14666
4 46 7793
5 44 18948
6 44 11685
7 43 22206
8 43 12615
9 42 13542
10 42 6232
11 41 8486
12 41 7570
13 41 14005
14 40 2962
15 39 2493
16 39 5050
17 38 6630
18 38 8930
19 38 2351
20 38 5664
21 38 4289
22 33 12114
23 33 4596
24 37 7061
25 35 1793
26 35 5729
27 34 1131
28 29 14304
29 33 4538
30 31 4626
31 30 5558
32 29 6227
33 28 6650
34 28 5686
35 27 385
36 26 1942
37 26 631
38 25 913
39 25 4794
40 21 2821
41 24 1520
42 24 1838
43 23 1553
44 23 1624
45 23 745
46 23 4174
47 23 1325
48 23 1046
49 22 3246
50 22 276
51 22 2618
52 21 1279
53 21 591
54 20 373
55 20 360
56 20 728
57 20 592
58 20 1084
59 19 1635
60 19 509
61 19 1556
62 19 1138
63 19 2666
64 19 1176
65 18 789
66 18 2723
67 18 2729
68 17 293
69 17 731
70 16 346
71 16 2125
72 16 5939
73 16 752
74 16 2361
75 15 133
76 15 431
77 15 505
78 15 713
79 14 1216
80 14 1504
81 13 811
82 12 813
83 12 234
84 11 607
85 11 326
86 10 968
87 10 198
88 10 1090
89 9 1174
90 9 1182
91 8 326
92 8 706
93 7 870
94 7 160
95 7 612
96 7 350
97 6 35
98 5 943
99 5 208
100 4 194

hardtekk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hardtekk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.