
Genre: hardvapour

Play genre

Hardvapour is a subgenre of electronic music that combines elements of industrial, techno, and noise with the distorted sounds of vaporwave. It is characterized by aggressive beats, harsh noise, and dystopian themes, often featuring distorted vocals and samples from popular culture. The genre is known for its intense and chaotic sound, and has gained a cult following among fans of experimental music.

Most popular hardvapour artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hardvapour genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 172
2024 32
2023 55
2022 30
2021 27
2020 28
2010s 229
2019 30
2018 26
2017 32
2016 49
2015 42
2014 28
2013 7
2012 8
2011 5
2010 2
2000s 6
2009 1
2008 1
2007 1
2004 1
2002 2
1990s 1
1997 1
408 releases

Popular hardvapour Songs

Top New hardvapour Songs of 2024

hardvapour music by decade

Explore hardvapour history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hardvapour artists

Here is a list of hardvapour artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hardvapour genre. You can find out what hardvapour genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 39 80988
2 34 24546
3 48 37511
4 36 52708
5 24 8089
6 31 23225
7 38 62354
8 19 4673
9 33 11276
10 40 36269
11 45 83881
12 28 8611
13 17 4576
14 41 47300
15 34 2804
16 23 4529
17 35 29449
18 15 2374
19 36 6022
20 35 11627
21 28 13238
22 11 3729
23 26 7690
24 32 19803
25 24 6490
26 24 5792
27 24 10731
28 28 22743
29 4 2450
30 26 40245
31 19 3713
32 20 10626
33 9 2494
34 16 3204
35 20 3789
36 10 282
37 40 9641
38 9 1260
39 16 4649
40 9 877
41 15 1324
42 5 3880
43 57 49099
44 10 1694
45 3 1036
46 10 2165
47 6 1556
48 4 2170
49 16 4891
50 1 232
51 19 903
52 11 2268
53 7 714
54 3 854
55 3 610
56 1 691
57 17 1656
58 1 256
59 1 426
60 1 390
61 1 149
62 1 418
63 14 1486
64 23 635
65 16 1157
66 19 2678
67 19 2904
68 17 6599
69 17 740
70 14 9049
71 3 388
72 10 136
73 9 63
74 3 1004
75 6 1317
76 5 66
77 5 321
78 5 1405
79 5 188
80 5 311
81 4 113
82 4 81
83 3 128
84 3 105
85 3 157
86 3 57
87 3 86
88 2 86
89 2 186
90 1 108
91 1 70
92 1 81
93 1 138
94 1 535
95 1 127

hardvapour playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hardvapour music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.