
Genre: hindi hip hop

Play genre

Hindi hip hop is a genre of music that blends traditional Indian music with hip hop beats and lyrics. It often features socially conscious themes and addresses issues faced by the youth in India. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists using their music to express their personal experiences and struggles. The music is characterized by its catchy beats, fast-paced rhymes, and unique blend of Hindi and English lyrics. (AI Generated)

Most popular hindi hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hindi Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 349
2024 64
2023 72
2022 78
2021 61
2020 74
2010s 164
2019 51
2018 25
2017 15
2016 23
2015 15
2014 11
2013 13
2012 7
2011 3
2010 1
2000s 3
2009 2
2008 1
1990s 6
1999 1
1997 1
1995 1
1994 1
1993 1
1990 1
522 releases

Popular hindi hip hop Songs

Top New hindi hip hop Songs of 2024

hindi hip hop music by decade

Explore hindi hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hindi hip hop artists

Here is a list of hindi hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hindi hip hop genre. You can find out what hindi hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 75 5960624
2 61 597925
3 42 259234
4 68 9036568
5 76 27801498
6 51 1786553
7 54 144328
8 64 172268
9 45 96195
10 49 44828
11 63 2110271
12 67 5849494
13 66 1898894
14 46 309260
15 58 1560345
16 55 158188
17 49 295085
18 64 1451828
19 56 34003
20 66 812219
21 55 928386
22 48 99795
23 48 81001
24 56 907647
25 50 5639
26 45 21927
27 45 268706
28 44 80531
29 43 125966
30 47 156455
31 43 38792
32 42 18746
33 48 180156
34 44 103241
35 59 1375900
36 56 358740
37 73 2235034
38 48 11613
39 60 4978652
40 58 486229
41 49 29476
42 44 5908
43 43 317307
44 42 25329
45 63 8959
46 62 314654
47 52 132943
48 58 550400
49 61 114995
50 54 622963
51 59 29329
52 58 277334
53 48 113933
54 47 129510
55 78 24128139
56 53 381219
57 53 54816
58 43 15149
59 43 11103
60 49 15879
61 50 121032
62 52 287650
63 51 185148
64 51 5357
65 51 162208
66 51 12912
67 50 257217
68 49 38184
69 45 49874
70 43 15528
71 49 471831
72 49 4896
73 48 58776
74 47 256124
75 48 69461
76 43 236874
77 41 19577
78 47 36380
79 47 398350
80 47 366278
81 43 125662
82 46 27523
83 45 20035
84 45 678693
85 45 7882
86 44 17130
87 44 7612
88 43 3129
89 43 5929
90 43 59119
91 43 12395
92 42 55891
93 42 24007
94 42 2082
95 41 32510
96 65 1332647
97 55 43060
98 49 29773
99 48 6510
100 42 43532

hindi hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hindi hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.