
Genre: hip hop quebecois

Play genre

Hip hop Quebecois is a subgenre of hip hop music that originated in the Quebec province of Canada. It is characterized by its unique blend of French and English lyrics, often incorporating elements of traditional Quebecois culture and slang. The music is known for its gritty, raw sound and socially conscious themes, with many artists addressing issues such as poverty, racism, and political corruption. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a growing number of Quebecois hip hop artists achieving mainstream success.

Most popular hip hop quebecois artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hip Hop Quebecois genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 609
2024 47
2023 191
2022 128
2021 129
2020 114
2010s 359
2019 96
2018 65
2017 57
2016 45
2015 15
2014 16
2013 24
2012 15
2011 18
2010 8
2000s 65
2009 10
2008 8
2007 9
2006 5
2005 6
2004 6
2003 8
2002 6
2001 3
2000 4
1990s 5
1999 3
1997 2
1038 releases

Popular hip hop quebecois Songs

Top New hip hop quebecois Songs of 2024

hip hop quebecois music by decade

Explore hip hop quebecois history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hip hop quebecois artists

Here is a list of hip hop quebecois artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hip hop quebecois genre. You can find out what hip hop quebecois genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 37447
2 54 79643
3 46 127633
4 44 18924
5 44 29250
6 44 46676
7 43 17002
8 32 29966
9 41 29897
10 40 13610
11 36 15827
12 39 21366
13 39 20918
14 26 8889
15 32 16164
16 34 3254
17 34 4896
18 34 3375
19 32 9124
20 32 17728
21 31 3307
22 31 8337
23 31 15709
24 30 11442
25 30 9099
26 30 30634
27 29 9992
28 28 2984
29 28 5345
30 28 4949
31 27 2900
32 27 2126
33 27 12433
34 26 7846
35 25 9620
36 56 79767
37 44 44771
38 53 71693
39 51 32009
40 38 10171
41 48 81238
42 36 32774
43 45 74569
44 44 12888
45 29 8171
46 42 12408
47 26 5974
48 36 3251
49 41 3946
50 40 26708
51 40 4155
52 30 21611
53 34 20937
54 39 10450
55 39 25084
56 28 8607
57 28 8959
58 37 25617
59 36 3800
60 36 18593
61 36 16753
62 36 8403
63 36 12482
64 36 7046
65 35 2687
66 33 38676
67 34 5215
68 33 1939
69 33 9374
70 33 1534
71 27 9816
72 30 7144
73 31 1024
74 31 2000
75 30 1962
76 30 9275
77 30 9279
78 30 3578
79 30 7409
80 30 5360
81 29 4303
82 29 9435
83 29 15968
84 29 2174
85 29 8878
86 29 995
87 28 1375
88 28 9951
89 27 11228
90 27 2306
91 27 4649
92 26 2858
93 26 2230
94 26 10020
95 25 6088
96 25 2136
97 25 6752
98 25 4287
99 25 7522
100 24 7550

hip hop quebecois playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hip hop quebecois music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.