
Genre: hjemmesnekk

Play genre

Hjemmesnekk is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in Norway. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, heavy basslines, and use of synthesizers and samples. The genre often incorporates elements of house, techno, and trance music. Hjemmesnekk artists are known for their DIY approach to music production, often creating tracks in their home studios. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a growing number of artists and producers emerging from the Norwegian music scene.

Most popular hjemmesnekk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hjemmesnekk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 103
2023 33
2022 26
2021 22
2020 22
2010s 22
2019 12
2018 5
2017 2
2016 2
2014 1
125 releases

Popular hjemmesnekk Songs

Top New hjemmesnekk Songs of 2024

hjemmesnekk music by decade

Explore hjemmesnekk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hjemmesnekk artists

Here is a list of hjemmesnekk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hjemmesnekk genre. You can find out what hjemmesnekk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 43 1813
2 35 360
3 34 399
4 30 182
5 25 670
6 24 338
7 24 230
8 37 2130
9 20 251
10 18 764
11 31 478
12 17 619
13 16 520
14 29 563
15 15 513
16 28 587
17 14 511
18 13 407
19 20 518
20 17 103
21 17 132
22 16 147
23 16 201
24 16 144
25 15 228
26 15 217
27 14 75
28 14 95
29 14 784
30 13 110
31 13 917
32 13 110
33 11 149
34 11 124
35 11 170
36 9 239
37 9 163
38 8 231
39 8 94
40 7 90
41 7 68
42 7 99
43 7 164
44 6 58
45 6 176
46 6 181
47 5 101
48 5 134
49 5 392
50 4 55
51 4 78
52 3 231
53 3 83
54 3 53
55 3 32
56 3 83
57 3 60
58 3 134
59 3 114
60 2 78
61 2 81
62 2 50
63 2 44
64 2 56
65 2 45
66 2 36
67 2 50
68 2 96
69 2 29
70 2 108
71 2 51
72 2 122
73 2 74
74 2 44
75 1 25
76 1 9
77 1 34
78 1 95
79 1 128
80 1 118
81 1 83
82 1 88
83 1 34
84 1 38
85 1 114
86 1 23
87 1 74
88 1 79
89 1 54
90 1 41
91 1 37
92 1 20
93 1 85
94 1 37
95 1 14
96 1 111
97 1 18
98 1 71
99 1 37
100 1 57

hjemmesnekk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hjemmesnekk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.