
Genre: hungarian hip hop

Play genre

Hungarian hip hop music is a genre that combines elements of traditional Hungarian music with modern hip hop beats and lyrics. It often features socially conscious themes and political commentary, as well as personal stories and experiences. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists like DESH, gyuris, and Dzsúdló emerging as prominent figures within the scene. Their music is characterized by catchy hooks, intricate rhymes, and a unique blend of Hungarian and hip hop influences.

Most popular hungarian hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hungarian Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 371
2024 32
2023 94
2022 77
2021 80
2020 88
2010s 335
2019 98
2018 57
2017 37
2016 21
2015 29
2014 35
2013 9
2012 17
2011 22
2010 10
2000s 48
2009 10
2008 4
2007 6
2006 6
2005 6
2004 6
2003 4
2002 5
2001 1
1990s 7
1999 5
1998 1
1994 1
761 releases

Popular hungarian hip hop Songs

Top New hungarian hip hop Songs of 2024

hungarian hip hop music by decade

Explore hungarian hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hungarian hip hop artists

Here is a list of hungarian hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hungarian hip hop genre. You can find out what hungarian hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 145625
2 57 359184
3 53 206034
4 51 178250
5 68 210232
6 63 55361
7 45 102890
8 34 39283
9 58 179904
10 54 206734
11 30 38420
12 50 145822
13 46 80993
14 44 35670
15 25 35364
16 39 9701
17 36 45654
18 47 42745
19 35 46432
20 34 54545
21 46 28866
22 32 55534
23 44 14774
24 31 42224
25 30 82078
26 30 38736
27 30 19117
28 29 18343
29 29 64902
30 35 23655
31 34 9773
32 33 27832
33 39 41081
34 33 19248
35 25 14843
36 30 2068
37 30 5955
38 24 13564
39 24 13403
40 30 11674
41 36 68590
42 36 30119
43 36 22919
44 29 13915
45 28 16050
46 28 16082
47 34 11352
48 25 13292
49 30 11491
50 18 88345
51 23 4871
52 23 1278
53 23 8313
54 23 7695
55 22 4100
56 22 1266
57 21 2796
58 45 151470
59 17 3335
60 41 126668
61 23 17970
62 40 36574
63 39 40220
64 15 3119
65 37 12871
66 36 13178
67 34 31118
68 34 14924
69 34 34282
70 34 31336
71 33 57818
72 8 2822
73 32 20999
74 32 23062
75 7 2824
76 12 3948
77 30 8376
78 27 2366
79 9 2153
80 23 39613
81 23 221
82 22 5549
83 21 5645
84 21 9578
85 21 4822
86 20 4449
87 20 1855
88 18 3833
89 17 2440
90 16 4377
91 16 2001
92 16 7418
93 16 3467
94 15 10457
95 14 4045
96 14 64
97 9 2537
98 6 518
99 6 1448
100 5 947

hungarian hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hungarian hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.