
Genre: hyphy

Play genre

Hyphy is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 2000s. It is characterized by its upbeat and energetic sound, often featuring fast-paced beats and catchy hooks. Hyphy music is known for its party-oriented lyrics and danceable rhythms, and is often associated with the Bay Area's car culture and street scene. The genre has been popularized by a number of influential artists, who have helped to shape its unique sound and style.

Most popular hyphy artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Hyphy genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 196
2024 34
2023 79
2022 27
2021 27
2020 29
2010s 270
2019 29
2018 30
2017 20
2016 23
2015 13
2014 33
2013 38
2012 30
2011 23
2010 31
2000s 222
2009 29
2008 23
2007 26
2006 39
2005 26
2004 25
2003 12
2002 13
2001 17
2000 12
1990s 74
1999 10
1998 8
1997 4
1996 9
1995 13
1994 7
1993 14
1992 6
1990 3
1980s 2
1989 2
764 releases

Popular hyphy Songs

Top New hyphy Songs of 2024

hyphy music by decade

Explore hyphy history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of hyphy artists

Here is a list of hyphy artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the hyphy genre. You can find out what hyphy genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 67 912673
2 63 1580712
3 52 404009
4 45 144001
5 44 169048
6 40 135813
7 40 72168
8 49 240234
9 47 163473
10 44 108820
11 56 270817
12 33 43374
13 31 15830
14 31 43172
15 28 29160
16 28 38983
17 25 39627
18 20 11394
19 19 4029
20 29 14349
21 39 95323
22 38 89486
23 37 54849
24 38 58869
25 36 28882
26 34 70270
27 51 206205
28 64 888496
29 30 7864
30 27 27008
31 27 20804
32 27 39861
33 49 215416
34 25 17069
35 25 28887
36 27 4844
37 22 20743
38 19 11743
39 19 3206
40 18 6606
41 40 23462
42 16 6286
43 43 127320
44 49 24753
45 48 116894
46 42 67636
47 41 38920
48 29 62275
49 29 4760
50 25 4767
51 31 3609
52 30 4410
53 34 33733
54 30 55697
55 26 18078
56 29 62310
57 29 39828
58 33 31450
59 23 4598
60 19 9799
61 26 34578
62 32 37824
63 32 56182
64 22 5782
65 32 7592
66 21 10073
67 31 28739
68 25 17696
69 26 38318
70 24 3703
71 23 19829
72 30 35774
73 16 10793
74 22 3383
75 28 29762
76 28 3581
77 18 3548
78 27 33808
79 17 1257
80 17 6373
81 27 32671
82 25 16562
83 25 15534
84 24 15507
85 23 14910
86 23 7755
87 22 28596
88 21 11026
89 21 13398
90 21 27788
91 20 10965
92 20 5041
93 20 6649
94 20 13466
95 19 20048
96 18 10936
97 18 5253
98 18 2039
99 18 1854
100 17 7400

hyphy playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular hyphy music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.