
Genre: idol rock

Play genre

Idol rock is a genre that combines elements of J-pop and heavy metal music. It features young female performers who sing and dance to upbeat, catchy tunes with heavy guitar riffs and drum beats. The genre often incorporates theatrical and visual elements into live performances, such as elaborate costumes and choreography. The lyrics often touch on themes of empowerment and individuality.

Most popular idol rock artists

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Parent Genre: rock

Related genres

Instruments used

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Idol Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1093
2024 91
2023 338
2022 256
2021 204
2020 204
2010s 562
2019 156
2018 124
2017 97
2016 60
2015 40
2014 32
2013 17
2012 14
2011 13
2010 9
2000s 13
2009 1
2008 1
2007 4
2006 1
2005 4
2003 1
2002 1
1668 releases

Popular idol rock Songs

Top New idol rock Songs of 2024

idol rock music by decade

Explore idol rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of idol rock artists

Here is a list of idol rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the idol rock genre. You can find out what idol rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 65251
2 17 14827
3 70 2203292
4 52 318718
5 24 11342
6 39 70182
7 41 103154
8 38 20789
9 18 7131
10 24 9031
11 27 34744
12 26 32508
13 50 216811
14 20 5012
15 27 24846
16 51 391449
17 47 319661
18 25 9414
19 26 26150
20 41 77962
21 31 34816
22 22 5627
23 20 3408
24 19 16264
25 30 55787
26 17 11741
27 38 108816
28 37 71250
29 25 26273
30 16 5361
31 27 6518
32 27 4037
33 25 5685
34 24 5951
35 24 5474
36 34 74851
37 23 7664
38 23 5165
39 23 3148
40 33 46549
41 31 39050
42 21 6973
43 25 28222
44 20 3179
45 19 2709
46 19 1699
47 29 26596
48 19 1252
49 19 9445
50 18 11402
51 18 4293
52 18 2427
53 18 5583
54 17 5340
55 17 3306
56 17 2423
57 17 2500
58 17 2727
59 16 4783
60 16 7474
61 16 2242
62 16 2226
63 16 2282
64 33 14078
65 51 263100
66 24 27059
67 31 29289
68 30 22043
69 27 46429
70 26 17128
71 21 20930
72 20 7656
73 32 31480
74 45 73547
75 17 11472
76 44 44834
77 16 21926
78 39 54415
79 21 20393
80 30 23561
81 25 16855
82 30 37315
83 37 70323
84 39 37167
85 38 9912
86 26 14992
87 37 51099
88 24 5392
89 24 19515
90 22 5478
91 33 17565
92 22 8187
93 20 11176
94 17 12393
95 24 26345
96 28 4458
97 25 3820
98 20 6861
99 20 4000
100 17 3380

idol rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular idol rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.