
Genre: impressionism

Play genre

Parent Genre: classical

Impressionism music is a genre that emerged in the late 19th century and is characterized by its focus on creating musical impressions rather than clear-cut melodies. It often features dreamy and atmospheric sounds, with a heavy emphasis on harmony and timbre. The genre is known for its use of unconventional scales and chords, as well as its incorporation of non-musical elements such as nature sounds. Overall, impressionism music seeks to evoke a mood or feeling rather than tell a specific story.

Most popular impressionism artists

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impressionism music by decade

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List of impressionism artists

Here is a list of impressionism artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the impressionism genre. You can find out what impressionism genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 66 816498
2 52 50117
3 43 44575
4 49 26571
5 36 11794
6 69 1515327
7 57 72044
8 59 501413
9 59 238596
10 33 2465
11 20 1463
12 45 49227
13 46 16507
14 30 2713
15 15 2194
16 29 1835
17 21 1648
18 44 4805
19 38 9322
20 26 2185
21 32 14089
22 27 3730
23 30 3430
24 12 860
25 29 4057
26 17 2094
27 20 8440
28 52 21376
29 49 69674
30 20 1033
31 17 894
32 18 1317
33 8 286
34 25 308
35 3 237
36 20 1267
37 17 733
38 18 1166
39 13 1002
40 13 612
41 11 1150
42 5 312
43 9 677
44 6 158
45 4 438
46 1 172
47 3 171
48 1 28
49 1 51
50 1 94

impressionism playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular impressionism music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.