
Genre: indie electropop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Indie electropop is a genre that combines electronic and pop music with a DIY approach to production and a focus on personal expression. It often features catchy hooks, dreamy synths, and introspective lyrics that explore themes of love, self-discovery, and empowerment. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many emerging artists bringing their unique perspectives and styles to the forefront.

Most popular indie electropop artists

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Popular indie electropop Songs

Top New indie electropop Songs of 2024

indie electropop music by decade

Explore indie electropop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of indie electropop artists

Here is a list of indie electropop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the indie electropop genre. You can find out what indie electropop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 221754
2 42 114382
3 50 181081
4 43 204511
5 58 235279
6 55 137764
7 45 77981
8 57 25512
9 57 18836
10 55 116282
11 41 28383
12 44 12879
13 53 17176
14 46 97699
15 53 8917
16 44 83732
17 52 55023
18 52 200700
19 52 26544
20 51 14418
21 41 45083
22 40 42223
23 40 30791
24 50 39789
25 47 12365
26 36 37578
27 35 23681
28 45 19787
29 45 39833
30 35 87817
31 44 4304
32 43 3141
33 43 37909
34 42 3965
35 42 19427
36 42 62071
37 41 30733
38 40 3412
39 40 3196
40 39 10171
41 29 47786
42 31 24695
43 31 56411
44 38 2465
45 37 14154
46 37 18873
47 36 6206
48 36 40215
49 35 17722
50 35 6518
51 28 38886
52 34 14105
53 34 15078
54 34 18784
55 33 15303
56 33 16503
57 33 25980
58 33 19717
59 33 6557
60 33 4449
61 32 5119
62 32 23082
63 32 1295
64 31 6254
65 31 14889
66 22 8278
67 29 23948
68 30 13995
69 30 1399
70 29 17006
71 29 4192
72 29 6228
73 21 8193
74 28 4227
75 28 13308
76 28 8354
77 28 5510
78 27 6512
79 27 29031
80 20 5800
81 26 1630
82 26 4810
83 24 4464
84 24 5450
85 23 5498
86 22 6670
87 22 12911
88 21 5596
89 20 7743
90 20 1477
91 19 6579
92 19 5159
93 18 5019
94 18 511
95 18 2465
96 18 2160
97 17 5324
98 17 1438
99 16 2455
100 16 1858

indie electropop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular indie electropop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.