
Genre: indie poptimism

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Indie poptimism is a music genre that blends elements of indie pop and electronic music. It often features introspective lyrics and catchy hooks, with a focus on emotional authenticity. The genre is characterized by its upbeat and optimistic sound, with an emphasis on self-expression and individuality. It has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among younger audiences, and is known for its use of electronic beats and synthesizers.

Most popular indie poptimism artists

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Related instruments

Piano, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Drum Machine, Sampler

Popular indie poptimism Songs

Top New indie poptimism Songs of 2024

indie poptimism music by decade

Explore indie poptimism history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of indie poptimism artists

Here is a list of indie poptimism artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the indie poptimism genre. You can find out what indie poptimism genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 246122
2 81 21357539
3 44 310028
4 51 218275
5 51 273532
6 60 124050
7 67 1251653
8 43 204511
9 47 150990
10 55 438575
11 57 1050194
12 70 718804
13 52 258559
14 65 1060943
15 47 124764
16 48 82513
17 59 375128
18 46 332095
19 70 1965961
20 78 3197192
21 53 439118
22 46 191080
23 52 191419
24 38 114384
25 37 134656
26 35 33147
27 58 597089
28 58 1655098
29 59 263963
30 48 186566
31 50 181081
32 49 365365
33 56 418394
34 42 96850
35 49 182358
36 42 218572
37 56 369289
38 53 360095
39 47 192510
40 67 928484
41 38 91297
42 49 226435
43 45 112770
44 65 653708
45 39 67590
46 60 228563
47 59 493879
48 35 64649
49 44 83732
50 42 37207
51 52 127751
52 39 50010
53 42 69645
54 41 28383
55 44 235464
56 36 32899
57 35 96323
58 59 978374
59 49 182581
60 34 72923
61 36 97951
62 52 82668
63 52 103596
64 38 135998
65 44 51236
66 42 114382
67 48 148815
68 32 90373
69 52 31811
70 37 138065
71 39 91853
72 48 53917
73 35 16357
74 32 69173
75 44 54479
76 44 69412
77 45 9723
78 35 87817
79 40 78537
80 40 74864
81 39 20882
82 37 52137
83 33 18896
84 32 8844
85 37 90623
86 35 9415
87 35 31205
88 35 24916
89 35 11691
90 35 3046
91 35 14750
92 35 19848
93 34 86591
94 34 24053
95 34 7601
96 34 36296
97 33 2644
98 32 12407
99 32 4874
100 32 21386

indie poptimism playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular indie poptimism music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.