
Genre: indie r&b

Play genre

Parent Genre: R&B

Indie R&B is a subgenre of R&B that blends elements of alternative and indie music with traditional R&B sounds. It often features introspective and personal lyrics, with a focus on emotional depth and vulnerability. The production is typically minimalist and atmospheric, with a heavy emphasis on electronic instrumentation and experimentation. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a new wave of artists emerging who are pushing the boundaries of what R&B can be.

Most popular indie r&b artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Horn Section, Drum Machine, Sampler, Turntables, Organ, Piano

Popular indie r&b Songs

Top New indie r&b Songs of 2024

indie r&b music by decade

Explore indie r&b history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of indie r&b artists

Here is a list of indie r&b artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the indie r&b genre. You can find out what indie r&b genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 59767
2 73 473543
3 59 59145
4 60 27132
5 56 88049
6 55 235217
7 58 65186
8 68 193318
9 57 98135
10 55 22446
11 61 167979
12 51 47334
13 52 39720
14 59 411782
15 55 151273
16 41 167709
17 51 79295
18 48 206934
19 60 55411
20 56 59229
21 43 71395
22 50 77318
23 60 201650
24 50 108308
25 58 324507
26 51 56918
27 55 71453
28 43 93312
29 47 36153
30 56 279628
31 52 118792
32 46 46628
33 55 121265
34 41 30221
35 54 134421
36 44 23830
37 49 70225
38 44 14041
39 54 76238
40 43 10196
41 39 39250
42 49 223351
43 53 76826
44 52 45181
45 39 49407
46 50 25161
47 49 47904
48 38 23523
49 46 57533
50 40 43838
51 48 23638
52 50 94603
53 50 32504
54 47 45201
55 45 35400
56 44 13035
57 49 41022
58 39 24634
59 44 48568
60 38 14539
61 41 241256
62 37 29095
63 41 101715
64 47 41004
65 46 31431
66 45 42788
67 39 21416
68 41 83369
69 45 33354
70 45 85888
71 45 53209
72 42 23425
73 44 18165
74 44 15030
75 43 37299
76 43 47882
77 43 44369
78 43 32522
79 42 6533
80 42 25847
81 42 3944
82 38 15431
83 41 13208
84 41 9864
85 41 20777
86 40 23166
87 40 12231
88 40 38221
89 39 1325
90 40 40042
91 40 27159
92 40 16179
93 39 71999
94 38 22005
95 38 6459
96 38 21661
97 38 29036
98 37 20194
99 37 45167
100 37 10448

indie r&b playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular indie r&b music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.