
Genre: indie rock peruano

Play genre

Peruvian indie rock is a genre that combines elements of rock, pop, and folk music. It often features introspective lyrics and melodic guitar riffs, with a focus on emotional expression and personal storytelling. This genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a growing number of talented artists emerging from the Peruvian music scene.

Most popular indie rock peruano artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Indie Rock Peruano genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 207
2024 21
2023 57
2022 38
2021 39
2020 52
2010s 172
2019 36
2018 25
2017 30
2016 23
2015 19
2014 10
2013 7
2012 9
2011 10
2010 3
2000s 29
2009 4
2008 5
2007 4
2005 2
2004 4
2003 2
2002 2
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 3
1999 1
1998 2
411 releases

Popular indie rock peruano Songs

Top New indie rock peruano Songs of 2024

indie rock peruano music by decade

Explore indie rock peruano history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of indie rock peruano artists

Here is a list of indie rock peruano artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the indie rock peruano genre. You can find out what indie rock peruano genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 38 93418
2 37 43073
3 19 7069
4 17 8639
5 53 391177
6 44 41865
7 33 17564
8 38 59334
9 36 42439
10 32 16151
11 35 11477
12 34 15694
13 4 2007
14 3 1540
15 1 1265
16 33 57610
17 14 4529
18 32 16467
19 27 14534
20 31 38705
21 15 5324
22 15 4904
23 22 14694
24 24 8464
25 18 3882
26 17 4919
27 17 4822
28 17 7322
29 10 3363
30 14 6499
31 14 3203
32 12 1897
33 12 3650
34 11 3988
35 16 2967
36 11 6521
37 33 7035
38 11 4861
39 15 3219
40 10 4664
41 4 1641
42 9 314
43 9 5587
44 7 1563
45 7 1281
46 12 1316
47 5 2186
48 5 2091
49 10 1347
50 4 2152
51 7 3079
52 6 1630
53 5 645
54 3 2009
55 4 2906
56 32 6386
57 3 1143
58 31 8520
59 2 3848
60 17 5661
61 29 8092
62 27 2838
63 26 3626
64 16 1679
65 22 1681
66 21 1371
67 11 1360
68 18 4494
69 17 1538
70 17 1899
71 16 1848
72 15 969
73 15 1504
74 13 1466
75 2 472
76 11 436
77 11 1442
78 10 1570
79 10 2075
80 9 4641
81 8 3125
82 7 297
83 7 500
84 7 1011
85 3 1139
86 6 336
87 6 491
88 5 1323
89 5 1403
90 4 997
91 4 339
92 4 293
93 4 782
94 3 469
95 2 736
96 2 656
97 2 2967
98 1 741
99 1 691
100 1 498

indie rock peruano playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular indie rock peruano music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.